Chapter 13 (filler)

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"Damn we're really parents..." Sharife said crying & holding her.

"Yeah... and she don't look like either of us." I chuckled, it was true. Kj looked like Mia & Omar.

"I was thinking, you should call ma & I'll call mommy & we tell them." I said, he agreed and gave me Kj so he can look for his phone.

Mom ❤️‍🩹

Hey ma

Wassup baby how you doing

Good now with that belly off

What you mean ?

I had the baby shawtyyyyyyyyy


*flips the camera*

Aweeee she's beautiful babe. Congratulations

Thank you ma, where's qir ?

He's with your dad, did you call them yet ?

Nope you're the first person

Awee it's an honor, I can't wait to steal her from you

*laughs* I don't know about that

I'll bring the kids to come see you

Ok, I love you ma

Love you too baby.

|/Hangs up\|

Sharife was on the phone with Kindall

"She looks just like usssssssss, I'm so excited." I laughed

"Hopefully my next baby in 13 years look like me."

"13 years girl try 3 or 4."

"NO absolutely not, don't wanna go through that again no time soon." I laughed

That definitely was a lie

~Time Skip~

"Since y'all on the way home today I think y'all should post the baby." omar said over the phone

"No, I mean I'll block her face out but people are sick as fuck."

"Yeah, block her face out and then post it like a heart over her face." Issac said in the top right corner of the group face time.

"Ok then afterwards y'all can come see her." I smiled.

"We still ain't see bean yet , that's our whole niece. Homegirl done pulled a Beyoncé." Brii said, I chuckled. It was true, I didn't show anyone but our parents.

"Y'all will see when y'all get to my house." The nurse put our bags in the trunk and congratulated us once more before going back inside the hospital.

I was sitting in the back with Bean, she was so tiny but she was also chunky.

"Your house right ?" He asked me looking in the rear view, I nod as he pulled away.

I can't believe I'm stuck with this dummy for the rest of my life.

"Which way is it ?" We we're literally in front of a one way leading to my house.

"Right Sharife. You have no where else to go anyway...." He stank faced me in the mirror and turned right.

We arrived at my house as I tried to pick up the car seat.

"Only thing you need to bring in is you and your  phone. I got everything else."

I nodded and got out the car, I unlocked the door to see complete darkness.

I know for sure I left my curtains opened when I left.

"SUPRISEEEEEEEEE!" All my friends yelled when I turned on the living room light.

I began laughing as they rushed to hug me.

"So where is my niece at ?" Omar questioned, Sharife walked up the short flight of steps and walked into the living room holding the car seat in one hand , the diaper bag over his shoulder and my bag in his other hand.

"Liyah, take her so I can go put these up."

I proceeded to take the car seat and sat down on the couch.

You couldn't see her face with the car seat "sunroof" up. I took her out the car seat as all our friends gathered around to see her face.

I finally turn her body to a point everyone can see her.

"Awee she's so tiny."


"She looks like a pretty little dumpling." I laughed at all of their comments . I love these guys.

~Time Skip~

"Damn y'all active on this live" Issac said as brii held the baby next to him.

"noooo y'all can not see her face yet, damn this the first time WE seen her face."

|/Pause the story\|

So guys I want y'all to know that their post aren't gonna be in this chapter so they'll have their own 🥲


|/Back to the story\|

"Ight we outta here, y'all never seeing my niece face." Brii said laughing, Issac ended it finally.

I noticed Terrence was being real distant.

"T. Come on let's go talk." I pulled his arm up, everyone was too focused on the baby to realize we were gone.

"Wassup." He said still looking at his phone.

"Bro why are you acting stank ?" I snatch it & he let out a loud sigh.

"What happened to you having feelings for me & you wanting to be with me ? Y'all seem happy and I'm not gettin in y'all way. Me & Sharife are boys so do what you gotta do."

"T you gotta be kidding me . You had your chance with me & didn't take the opportunity now you're mad at me for whatever reason, me and Sharife are not together & to be quite frankly I have no intentions on being back with him. He's moved on and so have I so I don't know what the secrets animosity is towards me but you better fix that shit for real." I went on & on not realizing Sharife was standing right in the door way.

"Jhaliyah what the fuck is wrong with you, you like my boy now ?" He came in and closed the door

"Don't make this seem like my fault, I'm not the one that fucked my bestfriend girl." I accidentally told, Terrence was in the corner with a shocked expression on his face.

"Bro that was before they were together."

"Well me and you aren't, my dating life is none of your concern mind you we have nothing going on."

"Terrence did you fuck her ?"

"Nah bro, but who did you fuck ?"

there was silence, the tension in the room was so thick it was radiating everywhere.

"Brii." Terrence did a dramatic gasp.

They go back & forth for a little bit and I grow tired of it, it's like 2 toddlers arguing over crayons.

"As far of my concern , me & you are still besties & we're coparenting. End of conversation." I walked out first as they both trailed behind me.

The truth was out; there was secrets within our friend group that one person knows but the other doesn't.

Secrets that can make everything tumble & go downhill from there.

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