June 6, 2020

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I'm Sorry

Sorry for making it hard to get to know me.

I'm sorry for making it hard to trust me.

I'm sorry for questioning your loyalty, constantly.

I'm sorry that I do self-destructive things that are scary to you and make you worry about me, all the time.

I'm sorry about the little things that set me off.

I'm sorry for overreacting to seemingly insignificant things.

I'm sorry that I don't want to talk to you sometimes.

I'm sorry that I am so sad and not acting like myself.

I'm sorry for relying on you.

I'm sorry for talking about myself too much.

I'm sorry for being another thing that you have to worry about.

I'm sorry for a lot of things.

But mostly, I'm sorry for existing because you wouldn't have to go through any of this.


Inspiration: N/A

Xoxxox Chloe

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