January 7, 2020

10 3 2

Bad Day(s)

It's good that I don't have bad days
as often as I used to.
I know that.
But it's still hard.

It's hard when you were so used to bad days being everyday, it was just your reality.

And now, one bad day can take you back 4 steps.
Every and any little thing can be a trigger.

It's still hard.

It's still hard not having that person that can fix anything and make me feel better, in the same city as me.

It's hard when last week, I was on top of the world and now...

I'm just having a bad day.


Inspiration: The last two days have been hard for me, even with doing the things that have been my go to/happy things. I don't know why...

Xoxxox Chloe

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