September 27, 2019

21 2 3

Lowest Lows

It's at your lowest lows when you want to be surrounded by people who make you feel comfortable.

In the silence,
with the screams and
the tears and/or sobs — because
we know they're very different.

But it's at these times when you often find yourself not knowing who that person is.

You think of everyone and anyone.
But reach out to no one.

Because no one really cares.

No one is really there.

And you're not really comfortable with anyone.

So, the lows get worse
and you wait for your soul to get tired of being
You wait for your eyes to get heavy
and the tears to finally succumb to sleep.

is your safe place;
however, getting there is a different story.


Inspiration: Written during my lowest point which was at the peek of my depression. The self-harming thoughts were there; I was just aching for the pain in my heart to be taken away. I felt as alone as one could feel, even with loved ones cheering me on over the phone.

Loneliness is a sick and twisted thing to deal with.

During this time, I downloaded Wattpad and was able to escape the darkness.

Xoxxox Chloe

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