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"Focus your breathing, use it to feel the energy through all of your muscles." 

Peter sat still on the floor, eyes closed loosely. It was a month into his training. And while his teacher had moved locations many times lots stayed the same. It was hard work. Strength training. Balance. Agility. Flow.

Your body is the only weapon you need. Held strong against your opponent through a clear mind. No control can be lost if you do not allow it. So we breathe. We feel the energy in the world around us.

Peter held his stance. A swift hit to his side. He remains unmoved. A kick to the back. A slight bow.

He is released from position.

"While our mind stays fluid our body remains firm so we remain unshaken on both fronts. To fight is to be one. With yourself with your opponent and your surroundings."

"Surroundings sir?"

"The next stage of your training. We will take to the rooftops."

Up on the rooftops it was almost clean. The muck of the city seemed to cling to the earth. Here he was free of it. No more muck filled basement training. He could breathe in the sky.

There was a shift in the gravel. Peter moves to the right. A staff falls heavy where he just was.

"Good, you already know how to listen to your surroundings. Let's see if you can use them. Try and keep up."

His teacher bounds across the gravel.

Peter follows.

The world below becomes nothing as he reaches across to other roofs to handholds and ledges. Crossing the world in leaps and bounds.

He wants to shout. Speak his thrill into the air and through his bones. The feeling of being weightless between jumps.

And so he does.

His teacher laughs. Looking over with a smile. He gives a wink before he goes leaping to another building. The ledge is much farther than anything else.

He takes a few steps back. Best to get a running start.

Feet pounding concrete he reaches the edge and shoves with his full weight behind it. He's weightless. 

The roof is too far.

Shang realizes this too. He begins to run when Peter is grabbed and swung up.


Dressed in the full black suit. Upper face covered completely. Peter could still tell he was pissed. It was probably his signature emotion.

Shang had been scolded. The argument on the roof was loud. Once daredevil had put him down he was in front of Shang in an instant howling and barking.

"What would you do if he had fallen."

"What would happen then"

Peter could tell you. He wouldn't be looked for. Small little organizations in hells kitchen. Not the first. Not the last. Nobody signed up to adopt him. Nobody wanted the kid with a fight on his record.

Flash deserved it.

But still.

Peter thinks Shang was scared. That he might actually care what happened. Especially since they didn't go to the roofs anymore. 

Shang found places closer to the ground. And so Peter was stuck in the muck and smog. He couldn't cry his soul down here. But Shang wouldn't take him back to the roofs.

Probably for a long while.

Peter made it a habit. Go sit on top of a building every inch in a while. On top of the church. Easiest location. Hard to stay on.

The school roof. It was pretty. Covered in graffiti and old notes. It was nice. Reminded him he wasn't alone.

Of course Felicia made sure he knew that but she wasn't around as much. Her dad came back. And so she went. Peter doesn't blame her.

She has her own training now.

They meet up sometimes. Catching their breath on rooftops and exchanging stories.

One time they decided to fight. It seemed obvious. They had both gotten training and are well enough along. They could spar with eachother.

It didn't work all that well. They were far too worries about hurting the other. So they just talked. Sometimes Felicia brought food.

So their lives went on. Peter went from the orphanage to school to his 'job'. And life would then repeat.

At least until about 10 min ago.

Genesis: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now