Unfair Like That

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Czarina pov
"All I want is for the DCI to help me attain justice. I want to know what happened to my kids. Why I came back to one dead and the other mental. Can't those corrupt officers give me justice for a change."

"I Czarina Powers, take this oath. To serve my country at the best of my level, with all transparency. Neither without discrimination and to the best of my capacity. So help me Lord"

The two most important events of my life. The first is when I got the epiphany to what I wanted to be. Though young I accepted I must start somewhere and at 25 being the assistant director of the director of criminal investigations (DCI) was quite the achievement and as of course guessed the second is me taking my oath to the office.

The need to help had me throwing myself to the pack of wolves. Do I regret? Am yet to know. The start of a journey is always the risky part isn't it? But what's there to scare me? Didn't I take an oath to God.? I think so I am fine? Or am I?

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