Crushes, Crushing, and...... Avatar?

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A/N: Chapter five~! Please enjoy it! I have one other chapter written up. Then You'll just be waiting on chapter seven. I can't believe how far I am already!! I didn't think I'd actually get this far... Here's hoping it goes on a while longer, as I get the feeling at least some of you people out there on Wattpad enjoy this story... :)

No dedication this chapter...

Finally... The end of the day. I sat with Rose-of-Sharon in our last class of the day (and the only one we shared, besides lunch, but that doesn't really count as a class...), biology. We only had about three minutes left in class, so Ms. Tomas let us talk.

"How are your classes, Maia? Any classes you hate so far? Any cute guys? Any cute guys talk to you?"

I stared at her for a moment. "... G-good, no, yes, yes..." I mumbled, barely audible.

She still, somehow, managed to hear me over the yelling of our classmates and started squealing.

"Oh my God, really?! What's his name? What does he look like? Is he in your class? Is he in more than one of your classes? Do you li-i-i-i-ike him?!" she smirked suggestively. I blushed redder than a fire truck-- no, scratch that. I blushed redder than her hair.

I didn't really want to talk that much, so I decided to write it down.

'Name: Jake Johnson. He's in my homeroom. I sit next to him. He's also in my Algebra II class. He's kinda hot. About 6 foot tall, white hair-- shoulder length. Bright, mint green eyes. ...... No comment...'

She read my note, then raised her eyebrows at me. "'No comment'? I think someone's got a crush~!"

I blushed even more (if that was even possible), shaking my head. "N-n-no! J-just friends!" I said, stuttering. She just looked at me, disbelieving.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I sighed in relief as I gathered up my books and backpack. Saved by the bell... I thought.

I was headed back to my locker to grab my phone and iPod when someone came up behind me and covered my eyes. Before whoever it was (I knew it wasn't Red; he knew better than to come up behind me, and I doubted it was Rose-of-Sharon) could say 'Guess who', I had grabbed both wrists, ducked out from underneath them, and brought them together in one hand. Definitely male... I noted.

I spun around and dropped into a defensive crouch. Jake tried to raise his hands in  surrender, but I was still holding his wrists together. I instantly released them, blushing.

"S-sorry!" I stuttered. "I-I'm a b-bit paranoid..." I finished quietly. He just stared at me, his eyes wide.

"A bit? I think I noticed... And the understatement of the year award goes to..." he said, trailing off, still in shock. He cleared his throat. "Well, I'll make sure to remember that... So, where you headed?" I pointed to the lockers just down the hall, in the general direction of where mine was located. "Your locker? Can I come?" I blinked, then shrugged.

"I don't know, can you?" I murmured, smirking. He grinned back.

"A shy, paranoid smartass? Strange combination... I think I like it!" I blushed again. "... You're starting to warm up to me, aren't you?"

I looked up at him, surprised. "Y-yeah, a bit... I guess I am..." I said, smiling. As we headed to my locker, I noticed Red standing behind us a little, looking shocked. I winked at him, and then turned around.

"Sooo... I saw you talking to a boy who matched your description of the kid you sit next to in homeroom... That him?" Rose-of-Sharon asked me as we sat in Red's car, waiting for the parking lot to clear out a bit before we left.

I blushed, nodding. I've been blushing a lot since the start of today... Hope I'm not getting sick... I thought.

"So, did my eyes deceive me, or were you actually talking to him? Are you opening up a bit?" she asked. I nodded again, slowly.

"Hmm... You didn't even open up to me that fast... Something special about him, Mai?" Red asked, using his pet name for me.

"Yeah~! She likes him~!" Rose replied for me, teasingly. I saw Red's face fall a bit at this out of the corner of my eye. I blinked.

"Ash? You ok?" I asked. He looked over quickly, his expression returning to normal.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine," he replied. Roes and I exchanged skeptical glances. Neither of us believed him for a moment. "... I'm not blind, y'know... Hey, why couldn't the herd of deer go out for dinner?"


"Ooh! 'Cuz they didn't have enough doe...s...?" Rose asked.

"No. Because they only had one buck!" Red said, laughing. Rose and I groaned. "How much did the pirate charge for his corn?"

"An arm and a leg...?" I guessed. Rose nodded fervently, agreeing with my guess.

"Nope! Close, though. a 'buck-an-ear'!"

Rose-of-Sharon and I groaned again, and I started whacking my head off the dashboard. When I looked up, Red looked at my face and laughed. I gave him a questioning look. His voice dropped to a stage whisper.

"Nobody react to what I'm about to say... I think that guy's the Avatar!" I facepalmed with a straight face, then I started grinning.

"MY CABBAGES!!" Rose-of-Sharon exclaimed from the back seat. Red and I burst out laughing.

"Up. Raise. Ascend. Elevate. Lift." I said, causing the three of us to laugh even harder.

When we had finally calmed down, I asked: "Should we head home now?" We were still sitting in the school's parking lot, and we were one of the last of the students' cars still there.

"Oh, uh... Yeah, probably. Might be a good idea..."

A/N: Well, I think this turned out ok! I'll have to post chapter six tomorrow... I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! I do not own Apple, any Apple products mentioned (iPod, iPad, etc., etc.), or Avatar: The Last Air Bender.

This chapter, I have a special request. Even if you didn't like this chapter, if you read it, will you please comment on it and tell me what you think? It can be positive or negative, about the story or my writing style, anything about this story... I really need some feedback on it. I have some personal self-esteem issues, and I'm really pessimistic and self-deprecating, and I would really appreciate some feedback from you, the readers!! Thank you very much!

So, as always... Read, comment, vote if you like!



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