Little Red... Or Not?

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A/N: Chapter eight, everyone!! So Jake is the white wolf... What happens next? Let's find out!

I would like to say I did something cool, like shrugged off my shock and said 'Yeah, sure. Of course I can keep a secret.' Instead, I screamed and fainted.

When I came back around, I opened my eyes to see a black nose in my face. I screamed again, shoving the wolf's muzzle out of my face and scooting back until I felt a tree against my back.

"Hey, hey, calm down, Maia!" said a familiar voice behind me. I turned my head slightly, keeping one eye on the small red shewolf.

"How in the hell do you expect me to calm down, Jake?! I just witnessed a wolf I followed through the woods turn into a person I met today in homeroom, I'm in the middle of the woods that I don't KNOW, and I'm SURROUNDED BY OTHER WOLVES. How the HELL do you expect me to calm down?!"


"I mean, don't get me wrong. I like wolves-- Hell, I love wolves! But I'm not comfortable being surrounded by a pack of wolves in the middle of the part of the woods that I don't know!"

"... I thought you were the quiet one, Maia..." I spun around.

Rose stood there, along with Marie, the girl Red sat next to in homeroom, who was a girl with long red-brown hair and dark brown eyes; a medium height, silvery-white haired boy with warm honey-brown eyes; two nearly identical girls with short hair-- one silver-gray, the other blue-gray, and both had dark blue eyes; and a light brown-eyed boy with gray hair that had black tips. They were all staring at me. None of them had been there before, and all of them bore striking resemblances to the wolves that had been sitting there moments before.

"I... I... I..." Rose came over and patted me on the shoulder.

"It's ok, Maia. It's fine to snap sometimes. It ensures that you won't snap from the pressure." She hugged me.

I was looking over her shoulder (alright, more like her head... Damn, this girl is short!) when I noticed two more wolves stepping out of the woods and padding to the center of the clearing. "U-um, R-Rose?" I murmured, pointing over her shoulder.

"Hm?" she asked, turning. "Ah! Sandi! Jackson!"

The two wolves flicked their ears, then Shifted into a boy and a girl. The boy had white hair with black tips and red eyes. The girl had sandy-blonde hair and purple eyes. They walked over to us with an air of confidence and supremacy, like they were better than the rest of us and they knew it.

"Is this the girl you were talking about, Jake? Rose?"

A/N: And I finally got the pack introduced! Or, well... At least partially introduced... Still don't know the names of the other four wolves. Can you guess who Sandi and Jackson are?

Sadly, this is all I have written so far... I need to start writing out chapter nine... But I hope you guuys enjoyed this! I promise it won't be a month before I get chapter nine up, ok? :) In the meantime, please comment and vote! Thank you!



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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 12, 2013 ⏰

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