School Starts

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A/N: Sorry it took so long, guys!! I’ve been writing this for a while (I started it the weekend before school started), but I was waiting for a response to see how people would react to it and no one responded (a big THANK YOU to the three who did!!), then I had some of my new friends at school read it, and my grades started slipping so my dad blocked Wattpad, and a WHOLE BUNCH of other stuff happened……… But, um, I kept writing this and got chapters one through three done. I shall post those~ Then there will most likely be a slight delay while I finish up chapter four, and that should be up soon after I post chapter three (unless something happens again…… *knocks on wood*). Anyways, here’s chapter one!! Dedicated to ALittleBlueBird for being the first to comment on the teaser and for being a good friend!! <3 ya, Skie!! Also, for the record, Stoneville is the name a real place, but the Stoneville I am writing about is a real place only in my imagination. There, disclaimed…. Happy now, Cero? *glares at twin brother*

In the woods behind my house, an owl screeched. The crickets were chirping, creating a droning noise in the heat of the late summer night. Then, eerily, as if someone had flipped a switch, they all stopped simultaniously.

I smiled faintly, closing my eyes and hugging Lupa, my stuffed wolf, close to my chest. Yes, I still have my wolf plush at age 15. You got a problem with it? No? Good. It's almost time for my favorite part of the 'show' to start. I wait expectantly, but only for a few moments.

Suddenly, I heard a howl, and the hairs on my arms stood up. The wolf kept up by itself for a few minutes, then others joined in with it, creating an eerie chorus of loneliness and mourning. It was simply beautiful.


The howling went on for half an hour, like it does every night. When it ended, I blinked my eyes back open.

“Wow, you really are out of it when you listen to them!” someone said from behind me. I jumped up and spun around, assuming a defensive position. A boy with shoulder length blue-grey hair raised his hands above his head in mock surrender. “Hey, hey! Easy! Down, girl!”

I relaxed. “Ash… Sorry, you surprised me,” I said softly.

My best friend, Red, smiled at me. He was used to my paranoia by now, having known me for about ten years at this point.

His name was Red, but I called him Ash because I had a habit of nicknaming people. His was Ash because fire is red, and they leave ashes behind. Also, I had just started watching the Pokémon TV series, and he kind of reminded me of the main character at the time-- a happy-go-lucky idiotic (at least in my mind) boy… And I was five at that point.

“No problem. Hey, did you hear the one about the 50-pound wasp?” he asked, grinning.

“……” I groaned. “I’m going to regret this, but… No, I haven’t…”

“Oh, never mind. It’s over your head,” he finished, grinning wider. I facepalmed.

“… I do regret it… Isn’t it a bit late for your horrible attempts at humor, Red?”

He pouted. “Hey, it wasn’t really that bad, was it?” I just stared at him, a ‘no-duh’ expression on my face. “… Ok, point taken. So, Maia, anything interesting happen other than your wolfsong?”

“……” I just stared at him with a serious expression.

“… Right. It’s the last day of summer. Of course nothing happened. This is Stoneville, after all…”

“Yup. Small town, nothing much happens any day, let alone the last day of summer…” I replied.

“So, you ready for school tomorrow?” I nodded. High school. Yay. Red echoed my thoughts in that uncanny way of his: “High school; freshman year. Joy. Should be amazing…” His voice was dripping with sarcasm.

“Well, we should probably get some sleep for tomorrow,” I said. “Good night, Red.”

“Good night, Maia. See you tomorrow morning,” Red said with a small half smile and a hug. Then he turned to leave.

“… See you…” I murmured softly to his retreating back.

A/N: So, how was chapter one? Did you love it? Did you hate it? Don’t you just hate/love Red’s sense of humor? ;3 Are you intrigued by Maia (This is the most you’ll see her speak for a while. There is a reason for that. You shall see.)? Should I stop asking these questions? Will I stop asking these questions? Who knows? ;3

Anyways, comment, vote, fan, and read my other stories, please!!!! Thank you!!!!!!

<3 Cera-chan~

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