Follow Me

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  • Dedicated to Canisa, Kaleco, and Ruby

A/N: Ah, sorry guys!! I know I said I'd update on Friday, but I TOTALLY forgot I had a sleepover at my friend's house!! I'm sorry!!! But we had an awesome time... And then I had to work on a paper for my English class (a research paper on-- what else?-- wolves) Anyways, Here's chapter six~! Chapter seven is in the process of being written (yes, I write my stories and then I type/post them...).

Dedication: Canisa, Kaleco, and Ruby (AKA draconicgoddess, medusaslayer64, and demonicuchiha)

"Welcome home, honey! How was your first day? Do you have any homework?" my mom asked as I walked in when I finally got home.

"Hi mom. First day was good. There were a few new kids. I made friends with two of them. No, no homework." I said as I walked toward the back door, dropping my backpack on the kitchen chair as I went.

 "Really? You made new friends? Good job, honey!" my mom said, following me. "... You're going out back, aren't you..."

It was less of a question and more of a rhetorical statement, but I nodded anyways.

"Ok... Have fun, be careful, and watch out for those wolves. They sound like they're getting closer every night..."

"Mmm..." I nodded again, grabbing my small string backpack off the counter.

Standing on the edge of the edge of the woods, I took a deep breath, smiling faintly. Then, I stepped into my 'home away from home'.

Following the main trail, I walked about twenty yards into the woods, then I turned right onto a smaller trail, almost hidden by the brush and other undergrowth. That small path, really more of a game trail, led to a clearing that had  a lawn chair and a small table on the far side, under the shade of a tall oak.

Striding confidently across the secluded, secret clearing, I settled down into the lawn chair with an appreciative sigh, sliding my bag off my shoulders. "Finally... Free time..." I murmured.

Just as I was pulling out my book (Nightshade, a very good werewolf story), I saw a flash of white, bright against the muted greens and browns of the woods. My head snapped up reflexively, my senses. As my eyes scanned the edge of the clearing, my gaze locked with that of the intruder-- a tall, pure white male wolf.

He was slightly taller than your average wolf, his head coming up to just past my waist if I were standing, I would guess. His pure fur was long and slightly wavy, causing me to wonder how there could be absolutely nothing caught in it. And his eyes... His eyes were a bight, pale mint green.

In other words... He looked exactly like how I would draw Jake Johnson if he were a wolf, which was a hobby of mine (besides reading).

He flicked his ears at me and raised his tail, then turned and trotted a few paces away. He turned to look back at me, flicked his tail, and sat down expectantly. It took me a moment to figure out what he wanted me to do.

"... ... Oh! You want me to follow you, don't you?"

He gave an excited wine and wagged his tail a bit and giving me puppy-dog eyes.

"Ok, then. If you insist..." Against my better judgement, I decided to follow him, and together we headed deeper into the woods than I had ever ventured before.

A/N: Aaaaaand there's chapter six for ya! This is my first (utterly crappy) attempt at a cliffhanger... If you can't tell, I'm really bad at writing suspense/cliffhangers... That's due to the fact that I absolutely despise cliffhangers.

So, same as last chapter, I really want to know what you think about this story or my writing style.

And I'm really sorry about the late update!!!

Also, this chapter is dedicated to three of my best friends-- Ruby (demonicuchiha), Canisa (draconicgoddess), and Kaleco (medusaslayer64). Thank you guys for supporting me so much and being amazing friends!! Love you guys!!

... Imma shut up now...



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