Love at first sight?

154 1 2

Beep boop beep boop "Mmmmhhh, a couple  more minutes.."
you groaned but the sound was persistent after listening to it for atlest 5 minutes you got up turned off you're phone then proceeded to get dressed in work attire. After you got dressed you went to your favorite coffee shop/Cafe and ordered your f/d, grabbed a donut and went to work
"I hate going to work, Kylee you feel me?" You said to the girl that worked there, she nodded
"See ya tomorrow Ky" and like that you were on way to work. Walking down the street to get there a boy was staring at you, he looked kinda cute but it was hard to tell because of the black hoodie he wore with matching jeans and red shoes that were tatered, looked like he had very light blue hair and was very pale, and he was following you...

A/N: Sorry the chapters is a little short but I'll do more soon I swear
Word count: 154

I... love you.. (A Shigarki X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now