Where did he go?

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I slowly stirred as I started to wake up, trying to snuggle against something that wasn't there.
*but it was warm right her- AGH*
I hissed and groaned as my body fell to the deathly cold floor, instantly waking me up. After being rudely awakened, I started looking around trying to find any hint of where he could've gone but couldn't find anything, he probably just went back to base so I texted him and went to work.
"Heeeeyyyyyy cutie" my boss great..
"Hi.." obviously trying to stop the conversation, you walked in the office to clock in
"How's your day going, your looking fine today" he said with a smug smirk and a wink
"Uhm im good, thanks I guess.." you ran into a random person, and gave them a look that said 'play along'
"Oh! Hey baby, i didn't expect to see you at the store today" you replied to the cute tall girl, side looking at your boss trying to get her to understand
"Aww I forgot to tell you? Damn I can be stupid sometimes, I wish you didn't have to work so we could cuddlee~" she chuckled and planted a small meaningless kiss on my forehead
"I know but I gotta work, talk later tho?" I said, feeling relived that my boss finally left
"Mhm ofcourse honey, see you tonightt bye" and with that your 'girlfriend' turned the corner, while signaling me to follow. Which I did, I walk around and see what she wanted
"So what's with that weirdo? Did he touch you? Are you alright?" She sounded terrified
"He didn't do anything, he's my boss but he was giving the creeps" I turn my head sheepishly
"I really need to get to work, uh thank you for playing along without any questions before" I turned to go and looked up at her
"Could we stay in touch? If you don't mind that is" she looked at me, with sincerity
"Oh sure, I wouldn't mind it." I looked at my watch
"I really have to go though, here's my number text me around five?"
"Sure cutie, be safe for me. Talk with ya later!" She shouted as I ran off, God damn today's a roller-coaster and its only seven in the morning!!

Shigaraki's POV

(Who was that? Why did they call <your pronouns> cutie?)
"Why do I want to punch them?!?" I yelled, Kirogiri looked at me confused. I don't blame him I didn't mean to say that out loud
"Shigarki calm down, we're here for food. Remember? Get walking towards the store I'll follow shortly" he spoke softly yet stern, (who does he think he is? The boss?)
"Yeah yeah what the fuck ever" I slowly walked towards the small corner shop and pick out some Ramen, drinks, and chips
"He needs some chapstick.."
"I know right..?"
"Hes ugly.."
"$5 to ask for his number.?"
"He'll obviously say yes.."
(This is why I hate people, just fuck off you damn whore)
"Make it $50 and I'll do it.."
"Fine, go get 'em tiger.."
(Great Kirogiri hurry the fuck up)
"Hey~ whats a sexy guy doin' here all alone?"
"Please leave, ma'am" I practically spat the words at her
"Awww you don't want my number? Come on hottie we both know you do.." she whispered in my ear seductively, and then I saw a portal
"Nope there's my ride, LATER WHORE!" I saw the cashier run after me, screaming i have to pay
"God that was fucking gross, im going to put this shit away then go to bed. Don't bother me"

Damn i lost my streak lmao, I've been kinda busy. But I hope you have a fantastic day/evening/night!
-Love Akio 💗💛💙

Words; 602

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