He's A Gamer?!?

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It's been 4 months since I saw him, I wonder if he's alive. I shouldn't care but I do,
I got a PS5 for Christmas and a bunch of games but I got really happy when my favorite gay cousin Michael gave me F/G, I like all the games I got but this game caught my eye immediately. I got logged in and someone had left a close friend request,
"AllmightKiller69 huh? You would get along with shiggy. Wait that is shiggy!"
You added him and opened chat
{You will be in bold
He's in italics}

'Hey, how did you find me so quickly??'

' I have my ways anyways saw you had minecraft? I'm making a world if youre interested to join me.'

'Say less homie! Join a party chat and we can play.'

It look about 5 minutes but after some technical difficulties, he joined and we played for 3 hours before I had to go.
"I'm sorry I have a life!"

"But I just finished my surprise for you ;^;"

"Get over it Tomura! I have to go to dinner with my family while their still in town! I'll leave the world running for you okay?"

"Fine, bye!"

And he disconnected without another text, I felt bad but I haven't seen my family since dad died. So I put on a nice looking dress and walked to the place figuring i needed to exercise anyways.

Timeskip to the dinner
"You look gorgeous darling" Michael shouted towards me,
"Hey sweetheart~" I giggled already feeling better.
This is going to be a long night...

A/N; Hey I forgot that this thing even existed 😅 but I hope you like this chapter that I made have a good day/evening/night 💘
267 words

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