Chapter 2: Arrival at Hogworts

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A/n: Hi our lovely Mountain-Grazing Beethovens, we thought it might get a bit confusing for you to have to guess what the y/n and stuff is, so we made a key for you (not the kind that opens doors hehahhghshg). Don't worry, they'll all be very relevant at some point in this book <3 make sure to measure your tongue length before reading for a specialised experience!!

y/n - your name

y/ln - your last name

y/c - your country

y/h - your house

f/n - friends name

m/n - mothers name

f!/n - fathers name

bf/n - best friends name

p/n - pets name

p/pp - pet's pet peeve

ph/c - pet's hair colour

pe/c - pet's eye colour

pt/l - pet's toenail length

p/b - pet's breed

p/cs - pet's citizenship status

pn/v - pet's nose viscosity (bogies and such)

h/c - hair colour

e/c - eye colour

s/c - skin colour

f/l - fingernail length

t/l - toenail length

f/c - favourite colour

s/t - skin texture

h/l - hair length

h/t - hair texture

b/s - body shape

f/f - favourite food

l/l - leg length

bb/t - belly button type (innie or outie)

m/a - muscle amount (eg. buff, limp etc)'

n/l - neck length

n/w - neck width

s/w - shoulder width

f/s - foot size

n!/l - necklace length

t/s - toe size

n/s - nose size

n!/s - nostril size

i/l - intestinal length

a/s - appendix state

t!/s - tonsil state

t!/l - tongue length

a/n - authors note

They tumbled as if they were tumbleweed during which they shared a fairly average accidental kiss and unconsentually took part in asexual intercourse, and landed with a bang so loud the entire train fell off it's track. Harry's eyes were wide open, and he extended a hand to lift y/n off his chest. Y/n gratefully accepted and sat in his hand to be lifted onto her feet while taking into consideration her f/s and t/s. Because Harry was to blame for the train falling incident and because he had such big hands he was told to place the train, including all of the passengers and their luggage, into his hand and do one-handed cartwheels to Hogworts as punishment.

Y/n was told by the conductor of the train to join the first years in their ascension (not to be confused with decension) to Hogworts from the depths of the black lake. The sky was glittering with stars in the broad daylight above them as y/n stared with disgust at the majesty of the castle looming over them that she somewhat queefed.

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