Chapter 1: The Meeting

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*Based off the Harty Pooter books*

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*Based off the Harty Pooter books*

She stared out the window through her pale blue eyes unblinkingly as the rolling hills of the countryside blurred by in a whoosh of speed. Y/n had never been to Jamaica before but that's besides the point, what mattered was that she had never been to England before, only ever living in the United States of America for her whole life. But, the events of the summer had changed her and her life forever, in such a way that she would never be the same outgoing, carefree, hopeful, determined, lively, and jolly young thing that she once was.

"Get out of my spot, you filthy toad!' screeched some blonde boy.

'Sorry what? ow~ sorry!' said y/n, snapped out of her dazed trance.

"I said GET OUT OF MY SPOT," screamed the boy.

The audacity of this child.

'Your spot!? It seems to me that this seat doesn't have your name written on it so you can just piss of love, innit!"

"Who let this uncultured american imbecilic swine of a wannabe chav onto the esteemed Hogworts Express?' he questioned, his voice rising in pitch with every syllable so that it reached the fabulous whistle tones of our queen, Ariana Grande, by the end of his sentence.

"How dare you call me those rude things, didn't your mother ever teach you any manners?'

"She wasn't a teacher.'


"Coucou! Don't worry about Draco, everything's gonna be fine (line)," said another boy with black hair and round glasses.

So this blondie was called Draco what a stupid name for a stupid boy thought y/n, running her f/l fingernails through her h/c h/l h/t hair.

''Ello love innit, whats your name? You seem much kinder than this Draco chick!'

"Harry Potter's the name, and being the chosen one is the game! Have you listened to my new album? My favourite has got to be Rockmelon Sugar. It's about a girl that looks like you, actually. You might make a good replacement for her, since she fell out of a tree last year, you know that really tall one? Yeah, she died, innit. Tragic past, but we all have one of those, yeah louvre? Mind if I sit with you? Otherwise we can go sit with my friends, Romione.'

'Romione? That's an usual name'

"That's my ship name for my friends Ron and Hermione"


Y/n was so entranced by Harry she forgot Draco was even there. She suddenly decided, Draco, dragon in Latin, was not a suitable name for this foul, loathsome evil little cockroach, cockroach! Cockroach is a perfect name - Blatta in Latin. From now on, Blatta is Draco's name. (a/n: Sorry if u hate it, jk, not sorry, when y'all fall in love you can call him draco and it'll be real romantic, but since we are going for an Enemies to lovers to friends to enemies to haters to killers to lovers, we're gonna start with a cockroach. K thanks bye </3)

"Fine Blatta I'll leave, but only because I'd rather sit with Harry and his friends rather than you." And with that y/n sashayed her way through whilst Draco defenestrated himself out of the closest window out of embarrassment.

"Stupid git doesn't know who she's messing with, she will regret this', and on second thought, he yelled after her, 'I will tell my father about this!'.

Shocked by that horrendous threat, y/n screamed 'WANKER!!!' and promptly tripped over nothing and fell onto Harry's glorious chest, both of them tumbling onto the floor.

A/n: We hope you loved this story, our lovely Mountain-Grazing Beethovens. We enjoyed writing this as we really love the Harry Styles, or was it Potter series (though we must admit, we detest books as they go directly against our values, morals and ethics). JK Rowling needs to yeet herself off a cliff, and that's all from us today, stay tuned for more of this incredible story. More to come! Feel free to give suggestions, and we will absolutely take them into account and then delete the account and throw away all of our possessions. Jk! (not jk, or are we :>) ta ta my lovely cherubs.



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