Chapter One

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"Okay, so we have everything right? Pills, money, phone, tabs the whole shit yeah?" Steph said firmly.
"Yeah they're all in my purse!" I snapped. I grabbed my keys, threw them I my purse and headed for the door. It's was 10pm and we were off to get completely fucked up, it was a Friday. Weekends for us were just three days of getting completely fucked up, 19 and having the whole world at your feet is pretty amazing especially when your father is rich as fuck and has no care in the world for what you do, and your twin sister knows how to have a good time.
"Saph?" Steph squeaked "do you even know if anyone that we genuinely know will be at Warehouse tonight?"
I shrugged then rolled my eyes "who cares? We always meet new peeps anyways"
She shrugged as if to say "fair point"
You see Warehouse is basically what it says on the tin, it's just one giant party in a warehouse and we go pretty much all the time because it's all about partying and being free with us two.
I don't really look much like my sister, I mean yeah we're twins but I don't know, her blue eyes are slightly bluer than mine, her Ivory skin is softer to the touch, her lips more pouted and fuller. Little things.
A car beeped outside. It's the taxi.
"Right lets do this!" Steph squealed with excitement, she pulled out two small pills, shaped like bars-ecstasy pills. We both placed one each on our tongue and then swallowed. We then shook our heads at the vile taste and ran towards the door heading out to the taxi, we made our way to the Warehouse.
It only took half an hour but it dragged so much, once we had gotten out of the taxi we heard the music booming, the ground was shaking with the bass of the music pounding.
Steph linked me as we walked towards the entrance, because we were regulars, we knew the staff and bouncers so we were like royalty there honestly no shit. We just waltzed passed everyone waiting in that. Hour long line.
"Aw what the fuck mate!" A deep voice yelled. "Why do they get to go in and not us..?"
I turned around, just s group of what looked like hadn't had a decent shave or haircut in quite some time.
"Being a brat won't get you anywhere love" I winked at him. He had shortish hair, quite the build of his body and a cheeky smile.
"Won't get you anywhere either cheeky" he winked back. Me and Steph giggled and carried on walking in.
"He well had his eye on you" she winked.
"Fucking hope not" I scoffed.
The place was packed, and completely loud. We headed to the bar to get some alcohol down us straight away.
We went straight to the dancefloor and began to have a great time. Nothing quite like acid house music.
Minutes passed, the pill started to kick in, my happy mood maximised by a thousand, my eyes saw everything completely more vibrant, I lost Steph, she must of went to dance with someone else. At this moment I didn't care I was too lost in the music, dancing in my own way not caring about anything.
Until some toss pot spills his fucking drink on me.
"I am so fucking sorry!" He yelled over the music.
I turned around "what the fuck!" It was him.
"Oh iya there darling" he smirked. "S'pose that's karma for being cheeky at the doors before ay?" He nudged me.
"I hardly think so since you've just ruined my top mate" I growled. I couldn't slow my speech down, I couldn't stop moving about, even though I was quite furious.
"James!" He held out his hand and smiled. "Sorry about the shirt" he grinned.
"Sapphire" I shook his hand "now could you kindly fuck off before you ruin the rest of my outfit" I rolled my eyes, still dancing.
He raised his eyebrows at me, then took off his jacket and used it to wipe the remaining beer off my shirt. "Here lets go get you cleaned up properly yeah?" He gave me a soft smile and walked me to the toilets, the music had toned down around those parts. He waited outside whilst I cleaned myself up.
"Can I buy you a drink?" He shouted through the door.
"Why?" I scoffed
"Just a friendly offer love"
"In hopes of a one night stand?" I teased
"How dare you" he laughed
"Ugh fine, just try and keep it in the glass and not on my shirt pal" I shut the door behind me and grabbed his hand, pulling him to the bar.
Can't turn down a free drink can you..?

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