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      Do the Stars hate Me? or is this just my fate? Blood, pain, fire... Silence....

 ??? POV ~

   We were on a Galra prisoner ship to rescue Shiro, again. He's a great leader and all, but he needs to stop getting kidnapped... Pidge had also found an odd heat signature, Allura asked us to check it out as well. 

3rd Person POV

It was time for the first arena fighter, the paladins were watching within the shadows. Shiro and the odd heat signature were there. 

"The Champion has returned! This time we have a pair, The Champion and The Wolf - against a formidable new foe. The newest and strongest to step in the arena." The announcer's voice rang out as the crowds cheered.

The Champion was forced out into the arena with a small shadow-like figure that barely reached his knees. The creature they were to fight was released and barreled towards them. The paladins watched nervously, wanting Shiro and The Wolf, whoever that was, to win so they could get Shiro out of there in one piece. 

The Champion and The Wolf dodged at the right moment. The Wolf caught the attention of the beast, who then streaked across to the other side of the arena, while The Champion focused on attacking. The beast was above human height, 7'2-7'5 give or take. 

The one know as The Wolf shifted, becoming human, they then flipped over the beast rolling out of the way when they landed so they weren't crushed by the beast who was much taller and looked more like a humanoid tank than anything else. 

Soon enough, the beast was defeated. (Describing fight scenes using actual words is hard; please forgive me.) The Wolf, who was once more in that form, was beaten and bloody. The Champion was in better condition, but that's only because The Wolf made sure that they had most of the attention on them than The Champion.

The Wolf's POV ~

"I told you, you have a chance out here, I don't. You have people looking for you I'm sure of it!" I said through waves of pain, I was in my human form again, blood was seeping out of my fingers that were pressed on my wound, ever so slowly, not enough to kill me yet. If this was to go on without care, I would die. 

Shiro never had the chance to respond when the door flew open, revealing people in similar armor to Shiro's. "I told you," I whispered as I faded into unconsciousness.

Shiro's POV ~

"I told you..." The Wolf whispered as they went unconscious. My eyes were wide before I looked back at the rest of the paladins.

"We need to get them out of here." I said, my eyes were still wide and fearful for my new found friend.

"Shiro, we came to get you, plus I don't think-" I cut Keith off.

"If we don't rescue them, their going to die of blood loss." I hissed, before making a move to pick up the small person. 

~ Back at the Castle-ship because I don't want to write them arguing amongst themselves - long story short they almost get caught. ~

We put The Wolf in a healing pod. They wouldn't tell me their name so I have always referred to them as The Wolf. From what little they told me about themself, they were on that ship for about a year fighting in the arena which I found a little sick. They were young, by the looks of it now that we were in proper light, they seemed to be 16-17. 

The Wolf's POV

It was cold, oh so cold. I enjoyed it, it reminded me of snow season back home. A hissing sound reached my sensitive ears as the light blue tinted glass slid from my view. I stood still, allowing my eyes to adjust to the change and my body to regulate to being able to feel things again. Five humans in armor stood in front of me, one I recognized as Shiro, there were two Alteans as well. I took a tentative step forward, using the edge of the pod to keep my balance. 

~And so ends the beginning~

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