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The Wolf's POV

The people around me looked at me like I was a ghost... except for Shiro, he looked concerned more than anything. I looked at Shiro before turning my gaze to his friends, I said nothing not sure of what to say.

"Hello," the female Altean spoke to me, which caused me to look at her. "I am Allura, princess of Altea, this is my assistant Coran, and the others are the Paladins of Voltron." 

My gaze traveled over everyone but I said nothing. "I know at the arena they called you 'The Wolf' but do you have a name?" Shiro asked me, I only nodded.

"Why must we trust him if he won't speak?" The red one, Keith asked.

"I second that," the one in blue, Lance spoke up.

I snorted which made them all look at me, "I'm female," I said earning looks of surprise, "I'm like the green one, it's hard to determine my gender from a glance; it's one of the many advantages I have." 

"O....Kay, um, do you have a name we could call you by?" 

"..." I thought for a moment, I didn't want to be caught by the Galra again, even they didn't know my birth name. I wanted to trust them, but past experiences and training made me heasitate.

"It's okay if you don't remember or don't want to give us your name, just something to call you by." Shiro stated calmly.

I sighed, pushing down my fears, "y-you can call me Soul, if you wish." My voice was quiet, fear and worry clawed at my insides. I could act tough, but even then I was quaking in my boots. I was still on the steps of the healing pod, my exit was blocked and I felt trapped. I felt like I was in the cell at the Galra prison ship once more. Yeah, I had claustrophobia, it was a pain, it was not really like that at first, it was more with people. When I was captured I began to despise small spaces whose only exit was (is) blocked. 

"Whoa! Whoa! are you okay?!" Shiro's voice pulled me from my thoughts, I realized I was visibly trembling. My eyes were wide and tears pooled behind them. Shiro came up to me, he gently took my hand in his flesh one and gently led me down the stairs of the pod. When we reached the bottom my legs collapsed.

Shiro's POV

When I led Soul down the few steps of the healing pod I could feel her shaking. When we reached the bottom her legs gave way. I caught her, pulling her into my chest as a means of comfort. At my actions she shook even more, as if she was scared. Of what I didn't know until I realized, from being trapped in a cell for so long maybe she had claustrophobia... Shit.

I let her go, helping her gently sink to the floor. I sat beside her, watching as she visibly relaxed a little.

"What's wrong with her?" Lance asked, getting a bit closer to her.

"I think after so long in a cell and now finally being free, I think she has some kind of claustrophobia. From what little she told me about herself the Galra kidnapped her-" I was cut off by Soul.

"They," she gulped, "they wanted... they want my powers, they want to make something using them. The Galra don't understand that's not how you can get," she paused again before continuing. "you can't just force out one of my kind's powers, when they die their powers die with them unless they have a direct descendent, the descendent gets a fraction of the power when they die. The rest, or what my people assume, returns to the stars along with the soul or spirit of the deceased one." She finished, she wasn't shaking as badly now. Soul's breathe was starting to go back to normal.

I hummed in response, my prosthetic arm rubbing her back gently as a way to hopefully soothe her. She wiped some stray tears from her eyes as she looked up at me with her cyan orbs.

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