Galra and Home...

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All of a sudden, alarms went off. The others bolted out, I took my time, unsure if I would be needed or not. 

I hesitated in the doorway. Allura was at a podium like spot, the Paladins had chairs and Coran was at the front doing something. "We have a Galra battleship ahead!" Coran called out to the paladins. I froze, They found me... 

We were near a planet as well, it looked like my home planet but... it couldn't be...

"Coran!" Shiro spoke with urgency, "what details can you give us on that planet?" 

"I-I can't" Coran responded, shock was clear in his voice.

"What?" Allura spoke up, "why not?" 

"It's like it has been wiped from our data bases." Coran replied.

I walked forward and up to Coran. There were some locked data bases from what I could tell. I placed my hand gently on a handprint thing. The locked files unlocked, Coran looked at me. "How did you do that?" he asked me.

I gulped nervously, "that planet is my home, we had erased all knowledge of us from everyone. I suppose they only locked them for this ship..." I looked back at the planet I called once called home. 

"If that's your home we need to save it!" Shiro said.

"We need to be careful though, there are already Galra down there, that's how I was captured the first time." I spoke up again, I wanted to help. "They aren't able to communicate with the outside world so neither will we when we enter it. Another safety mechanism to keep our planet hidden." 

"Then how did they find your planet in the first place?" Allura asked.

"I don't know," my voice was quiet but still able to be heard. 

"Well, we're going in," Allura stated determinedly.    


Sorry this is short, I just wanted to get something posted while I had the time

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