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"Well, we're going in," Allura stated determinedly.


We tried to enter the barrier but as soon as we tried to enter the atmosphere it was like we were tripping almost. 

"What's going on?!" Coran asked as alarms within the castle began to go off; his voice was full of panic as he tried to stop the alarms.

"It's the barrier," I replied as I tried to stay calm.

"What do you mean, 'it's the barrier'?!" Allura yelped.

"We have a barrier that protects us from the outside world. My ancestor set it up to keep us safe. Some how the Galra found us and entered the barrier, they don't have any contact with outside forces though." I explained as I watched Coran scurry around trying to do something. "I don't think the barrier wants us to come in." 

"Huh?" Shiro replied, "does it have a mind of its own?" 

"Kind of, I think it senses me or someone does so they aren't allowing me to return yet." 

"Why wouldn't they want you to return?" Allura asked.

"To keep me safe, I guess. my planet has many different beings on it, including humans. It's the most Earth-like planet that I know of." 

The Paladins glanced at me, I was looking at the floor. My cyan orbs glistened sadly, my eyes closed then open a few seconds later. I looked out at the blue and green planet before turning back to face towards Allura. "Let's get out of here, we can come back later if the barrier allows it."

"If you say so," Allura glanced at me skeptically before complying to my almost-order. 

I disappeared for a little while after we left my planet's orbit, the paladins thought I was sad or upset that we had to leave. Even though it had been my decision, I still felt regret for not trying harder to help my people.   

Soon enough I appeared again wearing the clothes above

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Soon enough I appeared again wearing the clothes above. (Ignore the bow and arrows please. Also the green is a bit darker and the light brown piece of the clothes is purple, not the same color as the Galra though. The purple is so dark it almost looks black.) The boots had a band just above my ankle that allowed them to retract into it. It was the magic stored into them that made the boots do it. They could appear and retract with a single thought. I flicked the hood off my head to reveal elf-like ears

 I flicked the hood off my head to reveal elf-like ears

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(like that, ignore the person)

My hair was cut to my shoulders, the bangs at the right side of my head were pushed back enough, without it being behind my ear, so that it was not annoying me and covering my face. 

I headed towards the kitchen, thinking that it would be a good time to get food. Hunk was in the kitchen when I entered, "oh! Hello Soul!" Hunk said when I stepped into the room. 

I could smell something cooking, "I'm guessing your cooking something, would you like help?" 

"Sure! I'm making cookies, the first batch is baking now!" Hunk replied happily, "though, I don't know what's in them, all of the labels are in Altean..." 

"Maybe I can read it, if not I can use my nose to help with finding proper ingredients." I answered with a soft smile.

"Your nose?" Hunk looked confused.

"Yeah, my wolf senses appear even in other forms," I explain; turning when a small timer goes off. I walked over to it to turn it off as Hunk went to check on the cookies. 

"They look better than the scaultrite cookies I made when we first were here..." Hunk comments.

I give him a questioning look before coming over and taking a cookie. They were hot but that didn't bother me as I was mostly fire proof due to my magic. I could feel Hunk's stare as I picked up the cookie. "It doesn't hurt," say to him reassuringly, "the beauty of having magic is when you use it properly you can do just about anything." 

"Cool!" Hunk exclaims as he carefully touched a cookie.

I examined it thoroughly, from pressing it between my fingers to using a bit of magic to see if anything inside of it would poison someone. It was safe as far as I could tell, I took a bite. It didn't taste bad; it was quite good actually. I devoured the rest of it before I turned to Hunk who was still looking at the cookie in his hand. "It's safe, I tried it and I'm not dying. I have very similar anatomy to humans so if it doesn't kill me I don't think it will kill you." 

"Huh," Hunk replied before taking a tentative bite. After realizing it was good he stuffed the rest in his mouth.

"Why don't we make another batch?" I suggested.

"Sounds good!"

I began to search for the right ingredients, it didn't take long to figure out what was what and grab the stuff we needed. When we had the batter ready, I dipped my finger in it and brought up a small bit of cookie dough on my finger. I popped it in my mouth, Hunk looked at me and I gave him a smile. I went to wash my hands as Hunk began to make the cookie dough into cookie shaped globs of dough. Hunk put them on the oven thing as I started the timer. Hunk and I took the time to clean up. 

As the cookies were nearly done, they started to waft their scent all around the kitchen. I heard quizzical voices and footsteps approaching the kitchen. Hunk and I had just finished cleaning up as the other paladins and the Alteans stepped into the kitchen. Hunk's cookies from earlier were on the island in the middle of the room, Hunk was leaning against a counter as he waited for the cookies to finish. I was sitting on the counter as I watched the timer. 

"Is this where you two have been all afternoon?" Shiro's voice startled me, my head snapping up to where the paladins stood in the doorway.

"Yeah, Soul's been helping me make cookies. She also made sure the fist batch of cookies I made was safe." Hunk replied happily.

"Really?" Shiro said as he walked to the counter where the first batch of cookies sat and took one. He took a bite then looked at Hunk, "not bad." 

The timer went off and I hopped of the counter and made my way to where the timer was to turn it off. Hunk pulled out the cookies and set them one the counter to cool. I grabbed a rack to put the cookies on and set it up on the counter next to them. Hunk moved out of my way and the paladins watched me with interest. I picked up a cookie a set it on the rack, one of the paladins gasped behind me.

"Doesn't that hurt?!" Pidge's voice exclaimed behind me. 


"How?" I could feel her presence beside me as I moved the cookies.

"Quite literally magic," I replied, "my main element is fire, making me almost immune to heat and fire." 

"Almost?" Pidge asked.

"Every thing takes energy, as does using magic." I turned around and leaned against the counter. "Some stuff takes more energy than others." I let sparks dance in my palm, they were purple, black, and reddish. 

Pidge's eyes sparkled as she watched the sparks dance on my palm. I let the sparks turn into a small flame on my open palm. Pidge watched closely, clearly interested. I closed my palm before opening it again with the flame gone. 

"You remind me of someone..." Coran said leaning forward a bit.

"One of the previous paladins?" Allura asked.

"I think so..." Coran replied as he stood up straight again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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