Chapter 3

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>>>>WHO ARE YOU<<<<

-Jazzy's Pov-

So long time ago when i was about 5 or 6 years ago, I met my best friend well,my second best friend and he's a boy. I use to like him. We use to play every day, Morning till afternoon. But, i dont remeber his name. Me, my bfcf mystery boy and his little bro. I had a crush on him since we met. Then when i left for america, i forgot about him then when i came back from america, i remebered him again.

 Well, i asked my bfcf she didnt remeber. But im not sure if it was childhood dreams or it was childhood real life.

"Who is he? Why isnt he where we use to play? Is he real or fake?" so many thought pass as who, where is he.

As life is  you will meet your forgotten - remembered person. But what happens if you like a person but you like the other too????? Jake or Mystery boy? Well first i have to find out who is Mystery Boy.       

hard choices or easy choices. there aint a such thing as love is easy.

who knows what!!!!!!!!!! WILL HAPPEN IN THE FUTURE.

thanks for reading guys. New chapter will come every single day......well  some days.

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