Moondrop x Reader w/ Anxiety

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Sorry for the wait! I was stumped on how to write this oneshot. Anyways- this oneshot contains cursing and y/n having a panic attack.

If any of those makes you uncomfortable then you might want to skip this oneshot.

"Come on, stupid thing! Open!" You grunted to yourself. This was your 3rd ever nightshift at the daycare and to your luck, the office door was locked. Typically you were fine with hanging about the daycare with sundrop but whenever the lights switched off for a couple minutes every hour you had to hang about in the office. It's a safety precaution they said.

You began to think. Why would it be a safety precaution? Sundrop was such a sweetheart, often offering actives to keep you entertained such as finger-painting and puppet shows. Come to think of it, you have never met moondrop before. If he's a counterpart to sun then how can he be that bad? You sighed, guess you would find out sense it doesn't appear you have a choice. You walked away from the office door to search for sun.

"Sun! Sun?" You called out, unable to find him. You began to get nervous. Would he be mad? What if he told security and you get fired. "Look I-I couldn't get the door open, I think I locked my keys in there." You had to wear a uniform for your nightshift. Sense you were the only daycare night guard you would often change out of the shirt and wear an oversized T-shirt instead. The outfit was uncomfortably tight anyways. While changing you must've left your Id and keys in the shirt pocket.

"NO!" You heard an abrupt shout from behind you. You turned to face sun who was exiting the play-set thing. "You can't stay out here! The lights will go out any minute now, you HAVE to leave!" You shook your head, your eyes darted towards the floor. "I-Im really sorry sun.." you couldn't tell if he was mad or just concerned. "I-I tried to get in b-" before you could finish the light cut off.

Sundrops eyes widened and you quickly looked up at him. "NOO! You need to get out of here!" He grabbed both sides of his head and you back up a bit. Before you could fully process what was happening you were suddenly met with a different face. "Naughty (boy/girl/person) Its past your bedtime... you must be punished!" You looked around nervously.

You could make a run for the generators or you could hide, afterall, the lights would go off for about 10-20 minutes periodically. You felt overwhelmed. Suddenly, he tried to leap at you. "NO!" You screamed in terror before making a run for it. You were sweating bullets, sure they said he was dangerous to be around but you didn't expect him to try and kill you! ...of course...what did you expect y/n. It's your fault! Your going to die because you made one stupid mistake! Or maybe you were making things up...maybe he wasn't trying to harm you and you were just over-exaggerating as usual.

You rushed for the security desk, it was against his programming to go back there. As you ran you could hear him laughing from behind. SHIT! Were you being followed?! Suddenly, Moon grabbed your belt, attempting to pull you back. You let out a horrified shrill and kicked the blocks that were to your left and heard him growl from behind, "rggghh... Clean up! Clean up!" He released you and you didn't bother to see if he was actually cleaning, you just kept running.

Eventually, you made it behind the counter and collapsed, panting heavily. You wanted to cry, scream, anything... however, you just laid there. You went to grab the flashlight from your belt and to your horror, it wasn't there.

Peering over the counter, you saw nothing, just darkness. You looked to the side and saw your flashlight sitting right outside the desk area by the right opening. You sighed in relief and hastily made a reach for it. "GOT YOU"

"AGH! NO! SHIT! NO! PLEASE!" you pleaded sense as soon as your hand was on the flashlight, his arm popped put from behind the counter. He had grabbed the flashlight from your belt earlier and set it by the desk and hid beside it- just out of sight. So, when you made a reach for it he snatched your hand and pulled you out.

You curled up into a defenseless ball on the ground and began to cry. "Please dont kill me! I-im so sorry- I didn't m-mean to lock myself out of m-my office! D-dont k-kill me p-please.." you pleaded, bringing your head into your knees as you struggled to catch your breath.

After a minute of nothing but complete silence, you had the courage to look up. There he stood, looming over you, however this time instead of a look of aggression displayed on his face he had a look of... confusion? He appeared to be analyzing you. You sat up and hugged your knees. You were crying but not as hard as you were before.

Out the blue, you could feel an arm under your knees and another wrap around you before lifting you up the ground. Your breathing was stuttered but your tears had dried. If anything, you were now more confused and terrified more than ever. "Stop that" he suddenly muttered. You darted your head to look up at him. "I'm not going to hurt you..." his words trailed off, "if you actually work here that is..." you sniffled before nodding.

You couldn't see anything except his eyes and the stars on his hat that glowed in the dark. You hugged onto him, you were scared from earlier... you didnt know what happened but you just wanted to be comforted. Suddenly he slightly bent down and began carrying you through some metal thing... one of the larger vents perhaps?

You heard him opening something before standing up straight again and setting you down on... a chair? You looked up at him as he went over to a plug-in and flipped on a night-lamp. You were in the office room that you locked your key in. He went over to a small table that was in the room and fished out your keys and id from your uniform that laid neatly folded on top.

"Y/N... just started working the nightshift 3 days ago huh?" You rubbed your arm anxiously, "m-mhm..." he looked you up and down which made you dart your eyes away from him. Something about him was just... alluring? Maybe it was the way he dressed, perhaps his voice that now had a softer tone to it?

You looked back at him once he started to walk towards the vent, "Stay here starlight" he looked at you, your cheeks flushed pink at the name. "You've already caused me enough trouble." You watched him disappear into the vents and anxiously awaited for his return. You didn't like the silence...


After a couple of minutes, he came back with about 5-6 pillows. He dropped them on the ground before sitting behind them criss crossed. He pat one of the pillows, specifically the one in his lap, "Here" he said and without questioning him you went over and sat in-front of the pillows. "Lay here, staying up all night isn't good for a child, or an adult..." he looked away. You smiled at all the incredibly soft pillows before laying down without putting up a fuss.

You laid your head on the pillow that was in moondrops lap. You looked up at him and smiled, feeling much safer around him then you did earlier. He must've believed you were an intruder sense you didn't have your uniform on.

He placed a hand on your cheek. His hand was ice cold which felt nice to the touch. He gently stroked your check while brushing his fingers through your hair, humming a lullaby while doing so. You closed your eyes, feeling loved, safe and comforted...

Before your drifted off you could hear the lights turn on in the main room. You opened your eyes and looked up at moon. The room you were in was still dark sense the switch was off. He sighed and went to stand up, presumably to turn on the light. Before he could stand, you grabbed his hand and tugged him down "what?-" you cut him off, "can't we just stay like this a little bit longer?..." you whinnied. "After-all, I still haven't finished resting yet." You winked in a playful manner.

He smiled and stayed seated and went back to stroking your cheek and brushing his fingers through your hair. Your cheeks were a soft pink from all the attention, "You're so breathtaking..." you accidentally whisper aloud and he looks at you surprised. You darted your eyes away anxiously... had you really said that outloud?

Moondrop remained quiet, was he not use to compliments? You place your hand ontop of his that was rested on your cheek. "Can we do this again tommorow?" He smiled, "If you promise me you'll actually get some rest starlight~" "mhm..." you closed your eyes and right before you drifted off you could feel him place a small kiss on your forehead while still humming a lullaby...

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