Sun/Moondrop x Readers Anniversary

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Hey! It's been awhile! Sorry for the lack of posts. I want to continue this oneshot book, it's just I was lacking ideas. So feel free to comment some below and I might do them.

I've had an idea for some other books to write for security breach (which i may or may not write) if i do i'll make sure to let you guys know.

This oneshot is like... double the amount of my other ones? I was writing this pretty much nonstop for 3 hours. I hope this makes up for the lack of posting. I'll try to do more if I can get some ideas lol.

Today marked the one year anniversary of you dating the two attendants. You had been working at the pizzaplex for 3 years now as a maintenance worker. Then about a year and a half ago, they switched you over to working shifts in the daycare. You were bothered by this at first but looking back on it, you were thankful for the experience.

You took off your security hat as you entered through the slide. After a second of the flashing colors, you landed in the ballpit. You felt yourself cringe at how sticky it was, as usual. You stood up and as you went to climb out, you heard that familiar voice.

"HOO HOO HOO!" The sun-shaped animatronic cheered. He looked at you and smiled before plunging head first into the pit of brightly colored orbs below. You glanced around; you scooted the balls around in hopes to find where he had landed. Abruptly, he emerged in front of you. He grabbed you just above your hips and raised you above his head. "HELLOOOO SUNSHINE!" He pulled you closer to his face, pressing the top of his facial plate against your forehead.

You giggled at his energetic behavior and planted a small kiss on his nose. His surbos heated a little, his spikes pointing back a little at your touch. "Hey Sunny!" You smiled ear to ear. He carried the two of you out the pit. He placed you gently on the ground and his spikes popped up to their normal position again. "OH! I made you something while you were away cause I missed you SOOOOOOO MUCH!" He emphasized the amount by spreading his arms above his head. "I was only gone for a day" You tucked your hands into your pockets.

Sundrop was clingy; he didn't like being left alone. You made sure to make an effort to visit him whenever possible, even on your off days you would stop by just to check up on him.

You watched sun skip over to the arts and crafts table. He picked up a small bouquet of paper flowers. They were made up of construction paper that was in your favorite color, and those fuzzy wire straw thingies. He skipped back over to you, holding the flowers in front of him. "We don't have real flowers in the pizzaplex. Sooooo, I made you some!" You smile warmly. "Awe Sunny, you shouldn't have!" You picked up the flowers as blush tainted you cheeks.

To others it may have seemed childish or overwhelming sense sundrop tended to give you many gifts. However, you were a sucker for homemade gifts. Alot of time went into them. And besides, it's the thought that counts.

As you carefully spin the flowers in your hand to examine the little details, your mind traced back to your gift collection at home. Sun had made you all sorts of things: macaroni art, art with glitter glue and those puffy ball things, and then your favorite thing.

You looked at your wrist at a colorful beaded bracelet. There was a few beads with letters that spelt out the words "sunshine". You walked over to the security desk to place down the gift. You didn't want it to get crumpled up.

You looked over to the sun animatronic who seemed anxious. You ran full speed towards him and jumped hugged him. His spikes jumped in a startled manner. "Y/N! You have to warn me next time!" You rolled your eyes and just melted into the embrace. You felt the beaded bracelet sun had made for himself, graze against your back. His was just like yours, the only difference being it had your name on it.

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