"you're so far away.."

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A/n - you've had some chill moments. Now time for some angst :)


Walnut lay down on her bed. It was two days since she'd received the last note. And she'd heard nothing. Unbeknownst to her, her own father had met up with their target multiple times. All without her. Without even telling her.
She felt drained. Work was tiring. Trying to just get bye without completely losing it was getting harder. She felt lost.
So she decided to try and confide in someone. She hated feeling weak, and this was the weakest she felt, she walked into cream puff's store, hoping cream puff would be the only one there. Instead of the usual young girls face, there was a much more.. mature face.

Latte. She forgot she was coming back.

"Walnut! Oh it's wonderful to see you again! It's been so long! Come let's chat!" Latte chirped, with that old happy tone. It was almost impossible to not smile around her. Walnut did as she said, and the two went around to the back, Where the older lady sat down on a work bench, patting the space beside her. Walnut sat, waiting expectantly for the other to start talking.
"Gosh.. this place really is dead, when cream puff told me I didn't think it would be this bad." Latte sighed, leaning back against the wall. Walnut quietly chuckled.
"It's quite the change huh?"
Latte smiled, glancing over at the girl.
"..if you don't mind me asking, how's your father? I know he's been.. off."

Walnut paused. Thinking of the best way to say this. "he's been.. a bit better. We talked again a few days ago. But apart from that.. he doesn't leave home still."

"Oh.. dear. You're still doing everything alone?" Her voice grew soft, with a slight bit of sympathy. Walnut nodded, yawning.

"You look exhausted."

"..I am"
Latte moved her arm, placing it around her shoulders, "you can sleep, it's alright, I can wake you up soon."

Walnut nodded again, leaning against the older woman, as she fell asleep. Her dreams were cold and empty. She was all alone. No matter how far she walked, or how many times she called out, no one was there. It was oddly..nice. Yet it hurt. And she did not like it. Not one bit.

When latte woke up walnut, it was well past the time she said she'd be home. She knew she would be scolded. But at this point? She didn't care. Not enough to worry anyways.

She left, walking home in a calm way, despite her racing thoughts. There before her was the closed door. The lights were on in one room, everything else was dark. It seemed he'd waited for her to return. So she didn't let him wait longer and entered the house. As she stepped through the silent building, she kept glancing around, half expecting to see her father waiting. But he wasn't.

So she went to her room. It was so quiet. She hated it.

There's the door.

Best open it.


There he is.

He was sat there on her bed, waiting for her.
"You were out for quite the while huh?" He said, with a hint of anger in his cold words. Walnut felt slightly lightheaded, she hadn't heard this voice in a long time.
"Care to explain yourself?" He spoke once more, raising a brow at the scared expression on his daughters face.

"I- I went to see cream puff-"

"Yeah right, she came here, looking for you."

"..she did? Oh.. that's why I didn't find her."

Almond crossed his arms, leaning back slightly. "Who did you see then?"

"Well- I ran into latte- and we caught up-"

"For 4 hours?!" He raised his voice, walnut couldn't tell if it was anger or concern, and she was terrified.

"I fell asleep- it's not my fault i-"

"That's it. No more. It's not fair." He interrupted her, and stood up. Walnut backed up, fear in her eyes.

"I said stop. You've been so irresponsible Lately, constantly getting in trouble- never mind the secrets! What are you hiding? Because it sure seems whatever it is means more to you than I do!"

Walnut froze, feeling tears run down her face. She couldn't even hear his words anymore. And without even thinking, she spoke.

"So I'm irresponsible huh? I'm not being fair. I'm not thinking about others, right?"

Almond stopped, watching her as she clenched her hands tightly in fists. She was trembling as she continued.

"My work means more than you.. does it? The fact that I finally got to rest is selfish right?"

"..walnut.. i-"

"No! No! I'm selfish right?! I'm never here right?! I don't try for you right?! I'm not good enough for you are I?!"

Almond stared at her, guilt building up at an alarming rate.

"I nearly died, dad. If I didn't get Ms Rose's attention they would have killed me. I got attacked for something out of my control. And I'm irresponsible right?"


"I'll never be good enough.. will I? God.. this is the most we've actually spoken to each other. Since the event that ruined both of our lives. And it's just hate.. god we're both a mess aren't we?" She let out a pitiful laugh. Her words unsteady and messy.

"I'm trying, dad. Really I am. But it doesn't help that I don't have anyone to.. yknow. Just be there-"

"Walnut- you know I'm here-"

"That's the thing. You aren't. You're so distant.. so far away. Hell, it doesn't even feel like you're here sometimes. It's like it got you too, back then. Did it? Are you even still alive?" She choked on her words, having to stop to sort her thoughts out.

Almond stood there, silent, just.. looking at her.

She hated it.

So she left.

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