14- Fragile Flower

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🥀Ayla's POV🥀

The Darkling caught my lips in another possessive kiss. I'm going to be quite honest when I say that I was thoroughly enjoying myself. I was dragging my fingernails across his bare back revelling in the feeling of his skin beneath my fingers.

"Jump" he mumbled his mouth not fully leaving mine.

I obeyed him without a second thought and wrapped my legs around him.

He managed to spin me around and placed me on the granite countertop.
A shock traveled through me as the cold counter came into contact with my skin, still warm from the shower.

The Darkling spread my legs positioning himself between them. A part of me wanted nothing more than for him to continue,to ravish me and leave me breathless.

But I was also scared.

As the Darkling leaned forward to kiss me again I gently placed my hand on his chest. I felt his steady heartbeat beneath my fingers. Power pulsed through my palm. His brows furrowed in confusion as he looked down at my hand.

"I've... I've never..." I didn't finish as a felt a blush spread over my cheeks.

The Darkling looked into my eyes his brows still furrowed. For a moment I felt so small and vulnerable.

When a small smile spread over his face all the feelings of insecurity instantly evaporated.

He placed a gentle kiss on the tip of my nose. "Such a feisty flower, but so innocent."

"I'm not that innocent." I said wrinkling my nose playfully. "I've kissed, I just haven't had sex." I said placing a small kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"What about other things, besides sex ?" He asked as he gently ran his fingers over my collarbone. I felt goosebumps settle over my skin, as power rushed through my veins.

"What do you mean ?" I said leaning into his touch.

"Foreplay, Flower." The Darkling purred as he slowly dragged a cold finger over my flushed cheek.

I responded by furrowing my brows.
I knew the basics regarding procreation, you couldn't live on a farm and not figure it out eventually, but this man was throwing around theatrical gibberish. Believe it or not, but sex education had not been a fundamental part of my Shu captivity. And I would suffer a slow death before asking Nicolas to clear up any misconceptions.

"So innocent." He chuckled

"Could you show me ?" I said nervously biting my lip. The Darkling simply smirked as he started trailing kisses down my neck.

He suddenly licked beneath my left breath. I gasped at the strange sensation. I heard the trees just outside the wall creak as they experienced a sudden growth spurt.

He continued his kisses over my stomach.

I let out a loud moan as he placed a kiss... there.

The trees continued creaking.

His tongue traveled a sensual dance over my opening. Instinctively I grabbed his thick, black hair.

I moaned as he placed a kiss on a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves.

He suddenly pulled away and stood up straight, his face inches from mine.

I wanted to growl in frustration. I had no idea what he was doing, but I certainly didn't want him to stop.

"My name." He whispered hoarsely his grey irises boring into mine, some strange emotion swirling in them.


Shadow In The WoodsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora