Chapter 6

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It had been 3 weeks since Dianna had lost her best friend. One would think she would have gotten over it by now. She would have, if it weren't for the voice that constantly plagued her memory. She got up one morning, and washed her face in the bathroom sink, only to look up into the mirror and notice that her eyes glowed an eerie teal. She gasped and jumped back, rubbing her eyes vigorously and looking back into the mirror. They no longer glowed, but her irises were now a luminescent teal. She blinked continuously. "Maybe they'll turn back later." She thought, panicking.

Two days passed, and much to her horror, they didn't change. One night as her father slept, Dianna tipped into her parents' room. "Dad?" She whispered, her eyes shone in the darkness. "Dad, wake up.." Lucaine yawn and opened his eyes, blinking until they came to focuse on his daughter.

"Hey sweety.. what's the matt-- !!!!" He gasped. "D-Dianna.. Your eyes!"

"I know! I know," Dianna whimpered breaking down at his bedside. "I don't know what to do!"

Lucaine tried his bet to comfort his daughter. "Now, now, sweetheart calm down.. We don't want to wake your mother." He whispers, moving toward his dresser and opening a drawer. He pulled out a container with two contact lenses. "Here, put these on." He watched as she placed them on her irise, and her teal eyes turned a hazel brown, and stopped shining. Lucaine handed her mirror. "Is that better?"

Seeing that her eyes no longer glowed, Dianna threw herself on her father. "Thank you daddy." She said whimpering.

"Don't thank me just yet. You can't sleep with them on. You'll have to put them on in the morning before school and take them out again at night." He whispered hugging her back.

Dianna trembled in her father's grasp. So many things has happened to her so quickly as of recent. She had no idea what make of any of it. There was one thing she knew for certain though.. if there was one person she could count on it was him. What she didn't know, was why. "Dad," Dianna began quietly.


"Why are you so calm about this?" She whimpered. "If mom had seen this she'd definitely flip out."

Lucaine's eyes widened. 'This child and her questions'.  He thought. "Uh.." He began. "See you mother and I are different. Very different. So we react differently to different things. Let's just leave it at that, okay?" He said quietly. Dianna noticed he seemed somewhat uneasy.

"O-okay Dad.." She said nodding her head and kissing her father's cheek, "Goodnight." She smiled, before leaving. "And, thank you. For understanding."

"Sure thing hun."

The next morning, Dianna kicks the alarm clock off the night stand, causing the unholy ringing to stop. She got up and looked at the time on her phone. School started in 30 minutes. She rushed into the shower, rushed back out with a towel wrapped around her, and scrambled about looking for her clothes. She then heard a knocking on her door.

"Dianna! Come on, you'll be late!" Cythia called from the other side.

"Coming!" Dianna replied. Suddenly, she gasped as she remembered. My eyes! She rushed around, digging at every corner of her room for the contact lenses Lucaine had given her. While doing so, she tripped over a box and hurtled to the carpeted floor. A plaintiff little 'ouch' was heard on the other side of the door, where Cynthia was, waiting on her daughter.

"Dianna?" She called, as she heard the crash. "Do you need any help?" She asked opening the door a little, only to have Dianna rush to the door a put her back up against it. "No thanks Mom! I'm fine!" She said with a tremor of panic in her voice.

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