Chapter 83

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I'm sitting at the kitchen table with a book about photography in my hands when Ruel's phone falls onto the table in front of me. The screen is on on a page of a news company.

Ruel: "I'm literally getting cancelled." The panic and disbelief can be heard in Ruel's voice.

Yasmine: "What?" I call out reflexively as I put the book down and pick up the phone to see what's being said. The expression on my face is confused. I feel the muscles in my forehead contract, leaving a frown.

Singer Ruel spotted at the airport with a mysterious girl

At first glance, it doesn't seem that harmful. Until you scroll further down.

The girl is most likely his girlfriend. Eyewitnesses say they were spotted kissing. However, there is no evidence for this. No evidence needed to see she is a victim of physical abuse, looking at the bruises in her neck. He have been hurting her several times to have her in his power. Psychologists ask themselves if this is a healthy relationship.

Yasmine: "This is fucking bullshit." My words sound angry, slightly irritated, and hidden behind suspicion.

Ruel pushes a chair back and also sits down at the table. He twists his rings around his fingers and looks stressed. It's also no wonder if you're falsely accused of something like this.

Ruel: "I'm not hurting you, am I?" His voice is soft and uncertain.

I quickly shake my head and grab his hand.

Yasmine: "What they say isn't true. You're not hurting me. Far from it."

I look at the phone again when Ruel seems to believe me. It seems to explode from the messages that come in. And especially from his manager.

Yasmine: "How do your fans react?"

I don't know if that was the smartest question to ask. Because they can continue to support him despite everything, have his back and deny everything, not believe the media. Or they turn against him completely because he is said to be toxic. That he wouldn't be what they expected.

Ruel: "Disbelief. They don't want to believe it, but I still see them turning against me." Ruel replies as he turns to look out the window at the dark world.

Yasmine: "I think they're waiting for your own response."

He gets up restlessly and clamps his hands around the back of the chair. His hair falls slightly forward from behind his ears.

Ruel: "But what can I say? They think I'm some sort of jerk."

I shrug.

Yasmine: "The truth." I answer, but the words come out muffled. As if they are stopped by the air they are supposed to pierce.

This option won't be the smartest thing for me, but it probably will for Ruel. Thus, there is an elucidation of the situation.

Ruel shakes his head and says he can't do that. It will involve too many risks. But he doesn't know what else to do. He shuts down in panic. I can't make the best decisions about this either.

Yasmine: "I assume Nate is already after this, so maybe it's smart to give him a call and ask how to proceed." I suggest. I had already seen his phone explode with messages sent. I know Nate is always very quick with things. That he sees a lot. And quickly get things sorted out in his way.

I went upstairs to get ready for bed. Ruel said I didn't have to stay with him if he was going to call Nate. What I understand. But maybe deep down it had been necessary after all. In the distance I hear his voice breaking. Not much later I hear the sobbing echoing through the air. It's soft, low-key. Although I don't see him, I bet there are tears streaming down his face. It doesn't matter if they go fast or slow. I want to help him. But pretending I don't hear him for a moment feels good somehow. Doesn't mean I don't care about him, because I do. But sometimes it's better to keep your distance. Especially since he didn't ask me to support him. Besides, he's not alone.

Panic Attacks // Ruel // EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now