Chapter 3-Not a movie

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"Now that's what I call funny." Tommy said... "yeah no one even noticed" the wheezing Dream was saying trying to breathe from laughing/wheezing. "I'm going to get something to eat." I said leaving to the kitchen. "Ok" they said at the exact time. I grabbed something to eat, apples are disgusting 🤢. I saw that this Apple was rotten. I started to choke. I heard running. The last words I heard were from Ranboo and Dream together.


I woke up in a doctors office. 'Where the f**k am I?' I thought. "Oh your awake mr.innit!" A person wearing a doctor's outfit said with a greeting smile. "What am I doing here?" I asked. "Your friends said that you choked on a rotten apple." The doctor said. "Oh.." I said. "I'm going to tell them your dead and if I hear a word out of this room when I'm telling them then you are going to die ok?" He said threatening me. I was so f**king mad at him, but I didn't want to die so I got up and ran out of the room. "Tommy! Your ok!" Ranboo said happily. "Guys!" I said out of breath. "What?" Dream asked. "The doctor said that he was going to tell you that I was dead and if he heard anything from the room when he was telling you guys then I would actually die." I explained. They were mad at the doctor. The doctor didn't notice that I had left. So he came out here and said this, "I'm sorry for your loss.. Tommy has passed away.." When he looked up he saw Ranboo and Dream mad with me behind them. "What?! Your supposed to be in the room!" He said again. "We are getting you fired for all that you had did and said to Tommy, we have recorded prove." Dream said. "What?! You cant do that!"

"Yes I can."

Ok I was to lazy to make a movie over 400 words but hear me out. I am editing two story's that I love editing so it takes me away from things that I said I would do so yeah this has been a draft since. I only have two followers so thank you who ever those are. I wish you all the best!

Stay safe don't get covid
BE safe
Stay awesome
BE awesome
Stay amazing
BE amazing
Love you all ❤️❤️❤️



Maskinnit Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ