Chap 4

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"Yes I can" Ranboo said. Ranboo gave Dream the phone so he could bring it to the person who controls the hospital(the manager or boss).

Ranboo grabbed my hand so we could run with Dream. I looked behind us and the doctor was straight on our tail. The rest of the doctors and nurses were all staring in disbelief and confusion.

Dream made it to the office while we went the long way so we could keep the doctor busy so Dream could show the manager or boss the proof. Dream came back with the boss of the hospital.

"Dr. Coles you are herby fired for lying about peoples deaths." The boss said.

Me and the boys all looked at each other. We all looked like someone had farted. We speed-walked out of the hospital and bursted into laughter.

From that day on ward, I always check what I'm eating and eating it carefully. Though I'm still wanted no one has ratted me out since they have saw me.



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