You're family

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It's December twenty fourth & as they make their way out of their swat gear & pack up their stuff to go home for the next two weeks, Street is dreading tomorrow. Christmas has never been his favorite holiday & now that his mom wasn't even here he didn't see any reason to celebrate. That's why he had opted to stay home with Duke when Luca had invited him to spend Christmas with him & his brother.

"Alright, what's everyone's Christmas plans?" Hondo asked as he was packing up the last of his stuff.

"Christmas mass, our traditional Christmas day pictures for next years Christmas card, & Lunch." Deacon answered, lacing his shoes up, just about ready to go. Annie had everyone on a schedule & he definitely didn't want to be late.

"Christmas classic movie marathon tonight & Alonso family dinner tomorrow." Chris said with a smile on her face, Christmas has always been one of her favorite holidays.

"Going to Vegas with my brother, our annual Christmas trip together." Luca piped up as he walked out of the bathroom, grabbing his backpack & tossing it over his shoulder.

"What about you, Tan?" Luca asked his friend.

"Bonnie & I are going to see her parents, & her sisters, nieces, nephews, & cousins will all be there, then we'll go to my parents & maybe see my brother too." Tan said as he headed out the door.

"Merry Christmas Tan & family!" Hondo called before the door closed.

"Speaking of family, Harrelson family lunch is tomorrow at 1 & then gifts & hopefully some good old football in the back yard." Hondo added.

"Street, you packed for Vegas?" his boss asks.

This got Street's attention, who, for the last 15 minutes had been partially listening to everyone's holiday plans while hoping they wouldn't notice if he didn't answer, clearly that wasn't an option.

"Nah, not really my thing, i've seen enough drinking in my life." he hadn't meant to sound so glum but the Christmas season just wasn't for him, maybe next year.

"He wanted to stay home, have a quiet day with Duke & relax" Luca added with a shrug as he walked out the door of the locker room & caught up with Tan on his way out.

"You're welcome to spend the day with the Harrelson family if you feel up to it, Merry Christmas you two." Hondo directed at the two left in the room & left too.

Street was just about ready to grab his things & head out when Chris, having been quiet the past 10 minutes, finally said something.

"You aren't spending Christmas alone."

Street just stared at her for a few seconds before clearing his throat.

"It's not a big deal, it's not my favorite holiday anyway." he shrugged, hoping she'd let it go & he could get out of there soon.

Chris stepped up & carefully took his hand in hers, making sure he was looking her in the eyes before she spoke.

"Spend Christmas with me & my family, we'll show you what's good about it."

"I don't want to impose on your family time, you don't get too much of it anymore."

"as far as my family's concerned, you're apart of it and i'm not taking no for an answer."

sighing, Street dropped his shoulders.

"Alright fine, but I don't need any gifts."

"Too late." Chris smiled as she grabbed her bag & pulled him out the door, reluctantly dropping his hand on the other side though.

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