Honey, I'm home!

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Chris rounds the corner to her apartment, coming back from her morning run, something she's been doing again for the past week since Street left. It's been a full week since Street left with Buck for Arizona. He insisted he go for Buck's birthday, to a car show. A car show in Arizona for a full week. Chris couldn't argue when he brought up how Buck was the only person to get him a gift and throw him a birthday party when he was younger so she just hugged and kissed him goodbye at 5:30 am last Friday.
The one thing she didn't intend on happening is missing him so much. Street's been busy in AZ with Buck & she's been busy with work. their texts have been sparse this week & they only face-timed once. Chris has also come to realize sleeping alone isn't fun anymore & she hasn't had a full nights rest the whole week, she's too used to his arm around her or being able to lay her head on him, and the back massages, she misses those.
Chris rounds the corner into the parking lot and hears two familiar voices. One she recognizes as her neighbor from across the hallway, super sweet older lady, close to her great grandma's age and she always has her little French Poodle by her side, Chris has never seen her without Button, as she learned when she first moved in. As she gets closer she realizes the other is Street, she also sees his usual flannel & jeans outfit he wears most of the time except when she talks him into dressing up.

"Hey, I was just about to head up to your apartment!" Street says as soon as he notices her, coming out from between his truck & a little red Kia.

"Hey! I thought I was picking you up from the airport." Chris smiles as she steps up to hug him, not caring how sweaty she is.

Street shrugs. "Buck drove us to his house & I drove back in my truck, wanted to get back to my girl early."

Chris smiles as he presses a kiss to her temple.

"Let's go in, I need to shower & then we can make some breakfast."

Chris lead them back to her apartment after saying a short goodbye to her neighbor, as she did every day she saw her.

Street sat down on the couch upon entering & brought Chris down with him, their hands having been intertwined. Chris lands with an "oof" right on his lap.


Street doesn't say anything, just looks at her & smiles that smile she loves, his dimples & teeth showing.

"I have to go shower." Chris tries to wiggle away but Street moves his hand to her waist & she stops where she is, having butterflies now, only being in a sports bra & shorts.

"Mind if I join?"

"We have time for other activities later, I'm hungry, aren't you?" Chris shakes her head, smiling.

"I'll be a gentleman, I just missed you."

Chris sighs. "Fine, but I want a quick shower, I really am hungry, and don't think I didn't notice your stomach growling when I hugged you earlier."

Street let's her stand up & lead them both into her bathroom, shutting the door behind them. He takes off his clothes and steps in, watching her as she steps in, offering his hand out so she doesn't slip.

Street cleans himself off & then motions for Chris to turn around & she does. He grabs the shampoo & works it into her hair, soft & smooth like a massage. Rinsing, he does the same with her conditioner. Once they're both clean, Street puts the hose back up and trails his hands down her body, stopping at her stomach to hug her from behind.

Chris shivers when he talks in her ear.
"I missed you, a lot."

"I missed you too, I'll show you later just how much." Chris tells him, a smirk on her face as she turns & kisses him.

They kiss for a solid three minutes before the need for air becomes desperate and they break apart.

Chris steps out of the tub & wraps a towel around herself & Street follows.


Dried off and dressed, Street having put on some sweat-pants & a t shirt he had in a drawer in her bedroom, they both make their way to the kitchen to get something to eat.

"I can make some eggs" Street offered.

"sounds good, i'm going to make a smoothie."

Street gets to work making eggs and toast and cutting up some fruit like he does with most meals and Chris makes them smoothies.

After breakfast Street leans back on the couch and Chris leans back into his arm, laying against him.

"You've been quiet, breakfast okay?" he asked her.

"Breakfast was great, I was just thinking." Chris assured him.

"Oh yeah, thinking about what?"

"You, how much I missed you this week. It's the longest we've been apart completely since we started dating." Chris confided in him, trusting him more than ever.

"I know, hotel beds suck but this one really sucked and the mattress wasn't uncomfortable either, I don't like sleeping alone anymore." Street took the thoughts out of her head.

Chris nodded. "I didn't get a full nights sleep this whole week because of that."

They talked for a while and then decided to put in a movie that they both fell asleep about an hour into.

When they woke up it was 1pm and they both got ready to go back to Street and Luca's, Chris wanting to come because she missed him and also to see Duke, the dog she plans to steal one day when Luca isn't looking.

Later that night, after dinner and talking with Luca, they both retired to Street's room, ready for their three day weekend. Duke also got in bed with them that night and finally all felt right for both of them. Chris fell asleep with Streets arm on her back and a smile on her face.

I know it's been a while since I posted & I wrote this at 1am really quick because I needed to post something & talking with Sharna earlier gave me this idea. also after Sunday's ep, I needed domestic stris. As always, I had to add Duke in there (or Charlie, iykyk 😉).
Hope you enjoyed!

oh also, idk when i'll post the chapter two to my 5x9 fix it, hopefully soon but i've been busy lately and idk how i'm going to write it & I want it to be good. if you want to be notified when I post it comment so I can tag you! tagging sharnawrites because she is my
inspiration & motivation.

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