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When you wake up at a party you see Duo "w-w-what are you doin-" Duo cut you off before you could finish. "My sweat be quiet" he rubs a delicate green feather on your face" you have been a notty little sussy boka imposter oreo puff ball dipped in cheese in chocolate cream." Then you see the back of duo there is a zipper. You tug the zipper and see that duo is actually a cute furry girl. My real name is Della but you can still call me Duo if you want. She pulls out your lunch and eats one of your fried orphan fingers. "Yummy, these are so good! But don't think you're off the hook for skipping your Russian lessons UWU'' You stutter "I d-d-d-d-didn't r-r-r-real-l-l-ize that you were so c-c-c-cute". Oh you then see her then hit you upside the head with her crowbar. When you wake up and you are in a bedroom you see Duo sitting on the end of the bed watching Cocomelon vs Teletubbies when Jeff Bezos walks in and tries to grab you. Duo stops him and then. Jeff Bezo and duo are fighting because Jeff Bezos wants to eat your toes and sell your limbs. THEN YOU START SINGING FIGHT SONG "THIS IS MY FIGHT SONG TAKE BACK MY LIFE SONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG. RIGHT NOW I'LL BE STRONG." But then you pass out, and when you wake you see... 

(chapter by duke)

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