Chapter Six

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"I'm going to find him." Jerome declared as he climbed onto his horse. "I'm leaving Mitchell in charge." He urged his horse forward and set off for the forest.

The forest was colder than Jerome had expected it to be. He shivered as his horse slowed to a trot. He could hear distant snaps of branches and howls of wolves. Jerome wrapped his jacket tighter around him. He whipped his head around when he heard footsteps nearby. His horse reeled and flung him off against a nearby tree and ran off.

Jerome moaned as he stood up shakily, waiting for the world to stop tilting. When it did, he sighed, brushing his jacket and pants off, which now had a hole in them.

"Great. This is why I hate the forest," he complained. He shivered and started walking. After about twenty minutes, he came into a clearing. In the middle was a rather large cabin emanating a warm, orange glow. Jerome looked up and gazed at the millions of stars above him. After a few seconds, he approached the cabin. On the porch, a sign read "Jason's Weaponry and Stuff."

Jerome rushed inside, glad that he was out of the cold darkness. Inside was rows of shelves full of different swords, bows and arrows, and axes. Against the wall was different armor and crossbows. He heard a noise and looked over at a counter. He saw a short man with light brown hair and eyes. Jerome walked over.

"I take it you must be Jason?" Jerome asked.

"Yep. Welcome to my store. What're you looking for?" Jason asked.

"Just a new jacket and maybe pants."

Jason motioned towards the back of the store. Jerome walked over and took a red and black plaid jacket and black pants. He made his way back to the counter and placed the clothes on it.

"There's a big sale on battle axes going on. 75% off," Jason stated.

"No thanks, just the clothes," Jerome replied.

Just then, a slightly chubby man with curly dark brownish-black hair and glasses walked in, wielding a golden sword. He shuffled over to the shelves and grabbed a pickaxe, some rope, and a crossbow and arrows. He walked over to the counter and threw the items on it.

"That'll be $35," Jason said as he looked at the items. The guy looked taken aback.

"No! 15!" he argued.

"Um...sorry to bother you, but can I ask your name?" Jerome questioned feebly.

"It's Adam, now you might want to stand back while I deal with this theif," Adam growled. Jason stood up, looking slightly hurt.

"What did you just call me?" Jason asked. Adam glared at him. Jason grabbed the crossbow and aimed it at Adam.

"Out!" Jason ordered. Instantly, Adam bolted out the door. Jason put the crossbow down and sighed. "So, just the clothes, correct?"

"Um......I'll actually take that stuff too," Jerome responded, pointing to the items Adam had left on the counter.

After Jerome had bought the stuff, he walked out searching for Adam. He thought that he would never find him when he heard someone singing. Jerome looked up towards the sound and saw Adam in a tree on a small platform, his sword across his lap.

"There are plenty of ore in minecraft. Diamond, coal, lapis and more. But alas there is one that stands amongst the rest. One that's so simple it's truly the best. An ore so amazing it's Sky Army's crest! I bet by all now, all of you have guessed. This ore is...budder. You can keep your diamonds, your iron, your emeralds. All I need is budder to build up my temple. It's an ore with uses that not many beat. Hell if you want! It's something to eat. It's budder, it's the budder ore. It's budder, it's the budder ore. It's budder, it's the budder ore. It's budder, it's the budder ore!"

"Nice singing!" Jerome called, causing Adam to almost fall out of the tree. Jerome threw up a sack with the pickaxe, rope, and crossbow and it landed on the platform next to Adam.

"Nice throw," Adam congratulated sarcastically. He grabbed the sack and put his sword in a case on his back. He climbed down a ladder on the other side of the tree. Adam walked up to Jerome and they just stared at each other in awkward silence. "I don't believe I heard your name," Adam said, trying to break the tension.

"I'm Jerome," Jerome answered. "Hey, um, Adam. Have you seen anyone before now?"

"No, not since last week," Adam responded. "Why?"

"One of my....friends....ran off and I'm trying to find them."

"Well, I can help you find them, since you got me this stuff. When should we leave?"

Jerome looked up. By the position of the moon, it had to be around midnight. He heard a skeleton nearby and thought it was best the stay awake.

"It'd probably be best to leave now. I don't want to get attacked in my sleep," Jerome stated.

"Probably a good idea."

They started walking, and hearing more sounds of mobs, Jerome pulled out his diamond axe while Adam wielded his gold sword. Jerome looked over at Adam and saw that he had a golden amulet. It's purple center was giving off a faint glow. He could barely make out Adam's figure in the dark.

"Can I ask where you got that gold sword?" Jerome questioned.

"First of all, it's not gold. It's budder, and my parents gave it to me a few years ago. My father's a part of the royal guard." Adam answered.

"Oh, Knight Dahlberg?"


"Your father's amazing. He was one of the only three that returned after fighting the Enderdragon," Jerome remarked, remembering the three people that returned from the fight. He fought back tears when he remembered that his parents died in the fight.

After about an hour of wandering around aimlessly, they reached a giant clearing with a glass dome in the midst of it. Jerome could see a castle inside the dome and new this was where Ty was. Adam just gaped in wonder. Jerome walked up to the glass dome and part of it disappeared in the shape of a door. Jerome and Adam walked through, the glass resealing once they entered.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2015 ⏰

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