Chapter One

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Jerome stood over a sleeping Ty and shook him.

"Wake up Ty!" He whisper-yelled.

Ty rolled over and mumbled, "Jerome go back to sleep..."

Jerome sat down on the edge of Ty's bed. "I can't. The arena's calling my name..."

Ty pushed Jerome off his bed. "Go by yourself..." He grunted and closed his eyes.

Jerome pondered for a moment and got an idea. He picked up Ty's head phones and put them on Ty's head. Ty opened his eyes. "Do you wanna play some Hunger Games???" Jerome asked. Ty smiled and got up.

Jerome grabbed Ty's wrist, laughing as he grabbed his trusty diamond ax, Betty. Ty ran ahead of him into the arena, wielding an iron sword.

The arena was empty. Jerome and Ty set down their weapons and gazed at the glass dome. Jerome finally whispered, "do the magic"

Ty rolled his eyes and moved his hands around a small glass ball around pieces of redstone. He smiled at Jerome. "You ready?" He asked. Jerome nodded vigorously. Ty threw the ball up into the air and it exploded in fireworks and a cannon sound that only went on in the dome. "Watch this" Ty said. He stepped onto the grass and it became a glass floor with fake starting positions. Jerome gazed in awe at the sight.

Jerome ran around and slides on the glass. He laughed. He jumped and Ty made a pillar of redstone and Iron blocks under him. Jerome filed and jumped forward. Ty made another pillar. They both laughed.

Jerome jumped repeatedly and each time Ty made another pillar. Jerome had always been faster and now he was jumping alarmingly fast without caution. Ty almost couldn't keep up.

Jerome jumped one time at at least thirty blocks high. Ty slipped and fell on the glass and it cracked. "JEROME!" He yelled. He tried to make a pillar in time but instead hit Jerome in the head with his magic.

"J-Jerome!" He cried. He ran over to Jerome when he fell to the ground. Part of Jerome's hair became red, another became white. He cried and tears fell to the ground. "Mom! Dad!" He yelled. His mother and father were the king and queen. They had to know what to do.

Without warning a wall of glass surrounded them. Luckily, his parents broke through.

"Tyler what have you done!?" His father half yelled, looking at Jerome. His parents only said Tyler when he was in serious trouble.

"It was an accident... I'm sorry Jerome..." He cried.

His father picked up Jerome. "I know where to go." He ran out with Jerome. His mother and Ty followed.

They rode up to a cave with a glowing light inside. Ty, his father, nd his mother got off. They walked in. Ty stared in wonder at the strange people. They were the first winners of the first Hunger Games. They had adapted magic powers and were immortal. Ty never knew the answer to this.

"Who comes?" The leader asked.

"Its... my son... He has hit someone with his powers." Ty's father spoke. The leader got up and walked over to Ty. He gulped.

"Born with the powers or cursed?" He asked Ty.

"B-born" Ty responded shakily.

"I recommend removing all magic. Even memories. But I leave the fun." He said as he changed Jerome's memories. "He will be fine."

"But he won't remember my powers?" Ty asked.

"Its for the best..." Ty's father said.

"You must be careful, Ty. Not all will see the beauty in your powers. They will only grow. With that, comes fear from others. You must be careful, for fear will be your enemy." The leader warned, while showing images of Ty being attacked by the people. Ty stepped back.

"We won't let that happen." His mother stated. She put an arm around his shoulder. "We will protect him."

When they got home, Ty found that his room was now seperate from Jerome's. The staff had been limited. The doors were closed. Ty was only allowed out of his room for meals, but even then he didn't come out, in fear he would hurt Jerome again.

Fought ~Frozen Parody~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant