Chapter Three

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It was Ty's coronation day. Jerome was running around singing.

"The weapons are out

So is the arena

I didn't know we still did this

Who knew that I could really still play

The doors have opened

The dull is gone

Why have a sword with no games

Finally all the rules are gone

There'll be actual real living fighters

It'll be extremely strange

But wow how I was ready for today

Cuz for the first time, we fight

There'll be battles, there'll be games

For the first time, we fight

I'll be laughing through the day

Don't know if I'm weaker or rusty

But maybe I'm still in

Cuz for the first time, we fight

I can still keep my games!

I can wait to play the games

What if I turn out, the victor

Tonight imagine me, fighting

Swiftly dodging all the trees

The image of a soon to be victor

I suddenly see them standing there

The players I face to the death

I want to be the one who's last standing

For the first time, we fight

I could be standing to the end

For the first time we fight

I could triumph against all them

And I know it  completely insane

To dream I'm the one that wins

But for the first time we fight

I can at least die trying" Jerome sang.

Ty was in his room. He looked in his mirror and sighed.

"Don't let me go

Don't let me fight

Be the good one, try to hold back tonight

Keep near

No fear

Just hold back

Make one step out and I might hurt him 

But it's only this one day"

"Its only this one day" Jerome sang.

"Its painful to stay" Ty sang to himself

"Its painful to stay"

"Tell the guards to ready the games"

"For the first time, we fight"

"Don't let go, don't let me fight"

"I'm getting the games I've been pleading for"

"Be the good one, just hold back tonight"

"A chance to get a whole new life"

"Keep near"

"A chance to win the games"

"Keep near, no fear, just hold back"

"And I know it all ends on this night

So it has to play today

Cuz for the first time we fight

For the first time we fight

For the first time we fight

The games will play!!!!!" Jerome sang as he runs outside into fields.

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