Chapter Four

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Ty was standing at the front of a chapel, he smiled as he looked around. He looked at Jerome, standing by his side. He had an iron and gold crown atop his head. This was his coronation. He turned around and a priest guy had a small pillow with a gold scepter and gold ball thing-Ty never knew exactly what it was-on it. He reached for it, as calm as he could, when the priest cleared his throat.

"Your majesty" he whispered to Ty, "the gloves."

Ty stared at his black velvet gloves that kept his powers hidden then, slowly, carefully, he pulled them off and placed them on the pillow. He shakily grabbed the scepter and ball and turned towards the crowd. He held his breath to help slow the shaking.

The priest guy spoke something. Ty felt the scepter and sphere become colder. He glanced down at them and saw his powers were turning them to iron. He wished the guy would hurry up. Ty tensed up, trying not to let his powers do anything more.

As soon as the guy stopped talking, Ty turned and rushed to put the things down and shove his gloves on. He turned and smiled, relieved.


Music was playing and some men and women were dancing. When they music finished, a man stood at the front.

"King, Ty" he announced. Ty walked up in front of his throne. He gazed, smiling, at all the people that were here.

"Prince, Jerome" the guy said. Jerome was a Prince, but fro  a kingdom that was destroyed. My family took him in. Although he will not rule here, we still a dress him as "Prince". Jerome raced up beside Ty and then took a step away, looking at the ground.

Everyone clapped. The music began playing again. Ty figured he should say something.

"Hi" he said to Jerome. It was amazing how he could just say that after about 12 years.

Jerome's eyes went wide. He looked at Ty. "Oh, hi me?" He asked, confused that Ty was actually talking to him after so long. "Oh, um, hi." Jerome responded awkwardly. There was a moment's awkward silence.

"So, this is what a party looks like" Ty sighs happily.

"Its hotter than I thought it would be." Jerome of laughed.

"And what is that delicious smell?" Ty asked. Both boys sniffed the air and said in unison "Piiiiiiiie." They laughed.

Jerome was about to say something when a girl with dark brown poofy hair stepped up.

"Your majesty," she said as she curtsied, "would you care to dance?"

Ty smiled, but declined. "I would love to, only I don't dance." He said. "But Jerome does." Ty motioned to Jerome and Jerome chuckled like it was a joke.

"Lucky you" she said as she took Jerome by the arm and dragged him to the dancers.

Jerome came back a few minutes later looking exhausted.

"Well she was sprightly." Ty said, smiling.

"Especially for a girl in heels." Jerome said.

Ty laughed a bit "you okay?"

"Yeah, I've never been better. Ty this is amazing. I wish it was like this everyday." Jerome spoke softly.

"Me too," Ty smiled. He suddenly was filled with panic and fear. He turned away. "But it can't." He whispered.

"Well, why not," Jerome complained, "I mean w-" Ty cut him off

"It just can't!" Ty half yelled. He sighed.

Jerome looked devastated. "Excuse me for a minute..." He sighed. He ran off. When he was in a hallway thing, he bumped into a boy with light brown hair and brown eyes.

"Woah, hey there." The boy said.

"S-sorry, I just wasn't looking where I was going." Jerome apologized.

"Hey, no problem. I'm Mitch, by the way" Said the boy

"I'm Jerome" Jerome said, his expression changing into softness.

Fought ~Frozen Parody~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ