Chapter 17 = Boys Shopping

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Ok so us boys have to go shopping. I don't know what to get for me but I am getting Kayla a charm bracelet with a heart. All the boys are coming but we decided to get neon things. We went to American Eagle for jeans. I got white jeans with ripped parts. I don't know what the other boys got, I am not really paying attention to them.

We then went to Hollister. I got this neon pink shirt. Yeah that is right I wear pink. I know that Cameron got a neon green shirt. Shawn looked like he was up to something. He got a blue neon shirt with words in white saying "THE BOSS".

We decided to go to the food court and get something to eat. We are teenage boys or we act like it, we are always hungry. We got Chinese food. I finished me food and took a sip of my drink. Then someone put there hands on my eyes. I knew it was Kayla. She asked me to guess who it was and I said it was girlfriend. She took her hands off me eyes. I kissed her on the cheek and then she had to go. Everyone was going to go to the car but I told them to stay there and that I had to get something real quick.

I went to Charming Charlie's and went to get Kayla's bracelet. I got the heart charm, a star charm and a softball charm. Kayla is a back up pitcher on her softball team. She loves softball. I went to pay and then I saw Kayla. She can't know I am here. So I used my spy skills to get to the door and go back to where the guys were. I got out the store and I saw the guys walking. I ran to them and we went in the car and went back to the hotel.

We got to the hotel and I went to my room. Kayla wasn't here yet so that is good. I hid the bracelet and turning on the tv and jumped in the bed. 10 minutes later Kayla came. She dropped her stuff and flopped on the bed next tot me. I wrapped my arms around her and she did the same and I fell into a peaceful sleep on what the party was going to be like.


Hey guys. Sorry this chapter was a little boring. But big things are going to happen. I just want to say that all of the people in this book are real. This story isn't real but the people except Derek. He is made up. I hope you like this book and vote and comment. Luv you guys!!


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