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Requested by: @ViralTheBeastman

Y/N's Point Of View

I glared outside my window at the surface, "why can't Yoko just let me go with her and team Gurren? I'm perfectly capable of fighting gunman." I turned my head at the sound of Leeron laughing,

"if you want dear, I can sneak you with us in my bag" my face brightened and I spoke happily


The turquoise haired mechanic shook his head and pulled his bag over his shoulders "just kidding" I groaned and smacked my head on the windowsill "if you really want to go with team Gurren, just ask Kamina. He's the one in charge" I quickly jumped up and hugged Leeron tightly

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I let go and ran to find Kamina, luckily he was just with Simon by Gurren Lagann. I ruffled Simon's hair and smiled at Kamina, before I could say anything, he spoke as if knowing what I was going to ask

"No. You're not going to come with us"

"But Kamina!!" I whined sitting down next to Simon,

"No but's, Yoko said you couldn't go, so what makes you think just because you asked me means I'm going to let you? You're too young to be fighting in the front lines like team Gurren."

My eyes fumed with anger "IM OLDER THAN SIMON AND HE GETS TO GO!" i pointed at the younger male next to me before storming off with a "Fine"


Everyone waved team Gurren off as they left, but I just stayed in my room and stared out the window 'damn Yoko. Why does she think she can boss me around all the time, shes not even related to me.' I sighed and looked at the horizon, as I stared off into the distance, I devised a plan. I jumped up from the windowsill and began packing a bag, which conceived of, clothes, food, water, and a gun with some extra rounds in case I need to reload. I pulled the bag over my shoulder and opened the window 'I don't need to be on team Gurren. I can fight gunman on my own' I was about to scale down the wall when I saw a picture of the group after we came to the surface, I stared at it before rushing to grab it and put it in my bag.

Just as I was about at the ground I heard a familiar voice in my now vacant room calling for me, 'crap! I forgot about Yoko telling Kittan to check up on me after they left!' I hurried to the bottom and ran to a nearby rock to hide 'please don't see me, please don't see me, please don't see me,' I closed my eyes in hope and sighed relieved as I heard the door to my room close 'thank goodness.' I looked around and rushed out of the camp, as I like to call it, and started my journey.

Another timeskip (sorry)

I glared at the sun, my tank top feeling like it was heavy enough to tear off of my own body from how weak I felt, I was robbed by some rogue beastmen, and was only left with my gun, and enough amo to reload once. I kept my long sleeve over shirt above my head in an attempt to keep the sun off my skin for a bit, but it didn't help that a huge gust of wind pulled it out of my grasp and whisked it away to some unknown place. I groaned as I fell to my knees, my breath heavy, and my eyes were falling shut without my consent.
Just before I slipped into an unconscious state, I caught a glimpse of someone, a blonde boy, but there was something off about him, he seemed, familiar in a way. I was taken out of my thoughts when the world went black, just as I felt myself being taken off the cold surface ground.

Yet, another timeskip. (I'm sorry this must be getting a bit annoying)

I stirred in my sleep-like state, before my eyes shot open and I instantly went for my gun, which, wasn't there. I looked around frantically before noticing my leg was chained to the wall next to me, I stared at it in fear of who had done so, a moment into my thoughts I heard the door open.

I averted my gaze to the sound, only to be met by a boy around Kamina's age, but what caught my eye, was that it was a beastman. My E/C eyes widened as I struggled, only to hit the wall behind me. I looked around for means of escape, to my unpleasant surprise, there were none. I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for what's to come, only to hear a voice.

"what are you doing?" I looked up, and saw that the blonde had been kneeling down in front of me and staring at me with an annoyed expression. I blushed lightly 'Now that I get a look at him, he's quite handsome, really.' he scoffed and spoke once again "and what are you staring at you incompetent human?" my gaze sharpened and I looked away

"a beast, if I am to be correct." I heard him sigh, before I could take a moment to think I felt a strong grip on my chin, pulling me to face him properly, as he revealed his blade-like teeth

"Feisty for a girl who was just saved by her races enemy," he looked at me and continued "I believe I deserve a thank you"

"like hell you do! I know who you are now, you're Viral! You're the one who is responsible for countless deaths, you almost took Kamina's life as well!" I spat at him, my glare hardening before my eyes widened, and my gaze softened. 'w-whats going on?' I fearfully realized my situation, Viral had kissed me.
The beastman, who I should hate, is kissing me. Why am I not pulling away? Why am I not stopping him!? Slowly, he pulled away from the kiss and looked at me,

"are you done patronising me for the past yet?" his gaze was still cold, but I could see something past that.
No. Love.

I looked back into his own eyes, my blush deepening as I threw my arms around him in an embrace 'w-wait what am I doing'

Viral's eyes widened, before he slowly returned the gesture. He softly smiled and spoke "you really should know, Y/N," he paused

'how the hell did he know my name?'

"you always were my favorite to watch when you fought, even if it was just in training. You're the most fascinating human I've ever seen, and I know I shouldn't feel this way about a human on the surface, but. I love you."

My face turned a malicious red, as I looked at him "Viral. I've seen the way you are in battle, you don't wish to take lives, even if the spiral king demands it from you, you're a good person. And saving me out there in the desert, just proves my saying so. And, if we are to be admitting feelings towards eachother, I love you as well." Viral's smile grew as he pulled me into another embrace, I happily held onto him as tightly as I could. But one thing was on my mind,

"what would happen if someone were to find out?" Viral looked down at me and spoke

"then i'll fight for you,"

"and I you."

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