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AS THE TITLE SAYS THIS WILL HOPEFULLY BE THE ABSOLUTE FINAL A/N BEFORE UPDATES COME BACK SO IM GONNA ASK (kindly) THAT IF I HAVE NOT REPLIED IN PMS TO YOU OR IN COMMENTS (cause I have those marked down on a list) PLEASE LEAVE THEM HERE IN THIS CHAPTER (and please please please do not spam the same request I promise even if it takes me a long while that I will get it done even if I do just a little imagine as a teaser so you get something if I'm busy again c:)

Yes I am back, and actually I have cried several times over this book because of my lack of updates and because this is my most read book and I know not many Gurren Lagann books are out there so I'm so sorry I haven't updated this one. I started it a year or two back and since then I've been in my last two years of highschool (senior year biatches) so I've been very VERY busy as I've joined a trade school and had lots of summer classes too. BUT all old requests can be re-requested if you want to jog my memory or have me make sure it's on my list and or being made currently, it'll still be a little bit between each update cause my computer finally crapped out on me, but I'm getting it fixed and CAKED IN SECURITY STUFF LIKE

So! While you wait; (I hope patiently but I know that's asking alot since it's been so long, and I really really am sorry I can't say it enough) I am going to be at a Con in my resident home state of Michigan! It's an anime con known as youmacon and I'd be more than happy to say hi to some of you if somehow you're going (I'm saying this cause I don't know alot of Michiganders outside of my town to Lansing that are on Wattpad) and if you want if you run into me I'll be in full cosplay (shitty makeup and all) as Izuku Midoriya all three days, and my boyfriend even has a debate panel that I'll be visiting back and forth to bring him snacks and drinks. I'm currently going to be staying in the main hotel connected to the con and I will be attending the maid Cafe one of the mornings and I'll be in the shopping area often cause I enjoy seeing everything these past few years of attending! Anyway, if you run into me I'll carry a notepad with me if you have a request, and even if you want to write a basis for your own chapter with me! I don't go to many panels but I will be visiting signings cause the actor of King Harlequin and Fey (from seven deadly sins and cowboy Bebop) are going to be there, so check them out if you go!

Alright back to the task at hand, I know not many of you will read on the moment I brought up my life outside of writing, (love you ya lazy nerds I do it too sometimes if I'm really into a book) but request away and if you have any questions for me do so in the comments as well wether it's about the con or if you can pm me your request if you feel more comfortable (cause I don't want to just get a random pm so please warn me if you can but I wont be mad if you don't, I assure you.)

Okie dokie

Then! See you on the flip side, I'll be rewatching Gurren (GLADLY REWATCHING FOR THE FIFTIETH TIME I LOVE THIS DAMN ANIME) so that the posts flow more like my first one shot with Viral and the reader! Sorry for repeating myself but; REQUEST AWAY M...

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Then! See you on the flip side, I'll be rewatching Gurren (GLADLY REWATCHING FOR THE FIFTIETH TIME I LOVE THIS DAMN ANIME) so that the posts flow more like my first one shot with Viral and the reader! Sorry for repeating myself but; REQUEST AWAY MY CHILDREN FOR I HAVE RETURNED

-signed MadnessIsReality

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2018 ⏰

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