1st Anniversary - Chapter 4 - Let's go! World of Fates

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Original Release date: February 13th, 2022

Contains Spoilers for Universal Collision

Contains Spoilers for Universal Collision

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Location: ???

Boyfriend: Ugh... where are we...?

Girlfriend: Hold on, I'm trying to find the lights.

The Girlfriend turns on the lights and room lights up.

Girlfriend: I don't know what room this is, but we must find what's going on.

Boyfriend: Yup, plus we might get answers from the location the TV is showing.

Girlfriend: Yeah.

Boyfriend: Let's go.

The Boyfriend and The Girlfriend run all the way to the stage.

Boyfriend: Woah!

Girlfriend: There are way too many people.

Boyfriend: I think we should use this thing.

Girlfriend: Good idea, let's go.

The Boyfriend and The Girlfriend step on the platform and sends them to the stage.

The Boyfriend and The Girlfriend step on the platform and sends them to the stage

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Boyfriend: Hex?

Boyfriend: And Aak, what's wrong with you?

Aak: Oh, I simply decided to change clothes. Something wrong about that?

Boyfriend: No... I was just wondering.

Girlfriend: Also, who are these three people.

Aak: They are the Paradoxical Dreamers, not to be confused with World Dreamers.

Carol: I see, I thought they were somethin' else.

Shuichi: Yeah, I don't really see performances other than magic ones.

Chiaki: I could say somewhat of it, but I just partially remember any of that.

Hajime: I don't remember the Paradoxical Dreamers actually making an album.

Universal Collision: AnniversaryWhere stories live. Discover now