• Day 3 •

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Today was very fun. We got out of school early cause of snow which hasn't happened in a while. I'm probably gonna take a walk in the forest later with the snow there. I have a strong passion for snowy forests— and forests in general.

After getting home from school today I called my friend for the first time in a few months. I barely ever call my friends cause I'm scared I may come off as annoying to them. We both talked about our lives and how we wanted to go see each other again soon.

Snow was falling slowly to the ground as I had walked home. My scaled and icy sweatshirt getting extremely wet even though I held an umbrella. Thats really the first time I had let it get wet. It was the holiday sweatshirt and I had spent fifty or sixty dollars on it so I didn't want it to get ruined.

In one of my classes a random kid leaned over and whispers a gay slur to me. Ive never wanted to kick someone in the face more then that. That person then acted like they didn't do anything as the teacher walked by.

Note: Hey guys !! I hope everyone is doing well and I'd like to remind y'all to drink water and stay safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2022 ⏰

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