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Bella and I knew.

It seemed impossible but we knew what they had to be.

The next day at school my eyes searched for him, for Thomas, until at lunch I finally found him.

His eye met mine, and I could tell he knew what I felt.

He knew that I knew something.

His eyes looked to me and my eyes trialed to the woods behind the school.

I walked to them and I knew that he would follow me.

I kept going until I felt we were far enough away.

I was breathing shakily, I was anxious that much I knew. I mean how can someone comprehend everything I've discovered.

I took a breath before speaking.

"You're impossibly fast and strong. Your skin is pale white and cold. Your eyes change color. And sometimes you speak like your from a different time. You never eat or drink anything. You don't go out in the sunlight...."

I took a breath as I felt him right behind me.

"How old are you?" I ask with a shallow breath.

"Eighteen." He states.

"How long have you been eighteen?" I ask anxiously.

He's quite for a moment before saying "A while."

I take in deep breaths realizing that I'm not crazy. That everything I've read about, its true.

"I know what you are."

"Say it. Out loud."

I'm quite so he speaks up again.

"Say it."

"Vampire." I say breathlessly.

"Are you afraid?" He asks lowly.

I take a breath before finally turning to face him.

"Surprisingly, no." I tell him.

He gets closer before saying "Then ask the most basic question. What do we eat?"

I look into his eyes and say "You won't hurt me."

He grabs my arm gently but also with urgency.

"Where are we going?" I ask as I follow him.

"Up the mountain and out of the cloud bank. I- I just need you to fully understand what I am. What you want." He says softly.

He then suddenly grabbed me and puts me on his back before running.

I gasp though because this was more than running, it was hyper speed.

Everything around me was a blur as I held onto him tightly, the breeze was blowing factly until he stopped.

I watch as he hesitantly takes my hand and we walk towards sun rays that are poking out from the clouds.

He lets go and he faces the light and my eyes widen in awe as I gasp slightly.

"This is why we don't show ourselves in the sunlight." He says and I watch as his skin shines brightly.

It was beautiful, like diamonds.

"People would know were different." He adds.

"This-this is what I am." He says anxiously.

I walk closer and say "You're beautiful."

"Beautiful?" He repeats with a small, almost sad laugh.

Thomas Cullen x Reader (STILL BEING WRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now