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I'd never given much thought as to how I would die. But dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go.

So I can't bring myself to regret the decision to leave home. I would miss Y/h/t, I'd miss the weather. I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained family. But my parents got an amazing job offer in Forks, and my mother was so happy for him. I couldn't and wouldn't be the reason they didn't get this opportunity. And this will be a good thing, I think.

In the state of Washington, under a near constant cover of clouds and rain there's a small town named Forks. Population 3120 people. This is where I'm moving. But hey, at least I have Bella.

Her dads Charlie, he's the chief of police. And just like me she's moving here and it seems like we were meant to meet, that somehow this was planned. And I don't mind that, it's nice to have someone. Even if you just met them. She's luckier though, she used to live here but hasn't been here in years. So maybe it'll be easier for her but then again, a lot can change.

I groan hearing my alarm going off. "Ughhh." I sit up and hit the button and stretch lightly. "New school, yay." I mutter before getting up and getting dressed. I head downstairs and see my parents both already gone and look down to the not on the table. "Can't Wait to hear about your first day!!! - love mom and dad." I sigh and make a bowl of cereal and sit at the table. "Ding." I hear my phone and pick it up seeing it's Bella. "I'm still getting you, right?" She asks. I type "Yeah."

I respond and then send her my address. I go to take my last bite when I hear a car horn. "The hell." I mutter and look out the window with a raised eyebrow. I see a old red truck and to my surprise it's Bella already here. I take my last bite and put the bowl in the sink, grab my backpack, and run out the door.

"Hey, you got here really fast." I say hoping in her truck and putting my seatbelt on. "Yeah I actually live one street down." She says and l laugh. "Once again, very creepy." She chuckles agreeing and we make our way to school.

We pull into the parking lot and I sigh looking at all the kids "This sucks." I say and she nods "I know, but hey at least we have each other right." I smile and say "Yeah. I'm glad I don't have to do this alone and hopefully we have some classes together." She nods and takes a deep breath before opening the door and I follow behind her getting out the truck.

My first day at a new school. It's March, middle of the semester. Great. "Nice ride." A voice says taking me out of my thoughts. Bella just nods "Thanks." and we make our way to the office.

We each get our schedules and are relived to see that we both have majority of our classes together. We were going over our classes and talking a bit when suddenly a boy comes up to us both. "Your the new girls right? Isabella Swan and Y/n L/n?" He asks getting all up in our personal space.

I can tell Bella didn't like the attention so I nod and say "Uh yeah, that's us."

He smiles and the says "Hi, I'm Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. Anything you need a tour guide, lunch date, shoulder to cry on?" He jokes making me grin a bit.

Bella shrugs and stutters a bit before saying "Um well I'm really more of the suffer in silence type."

I laugh and say "Same here."

He nods and says "That's a good head line for your feature. I'm on the news paper and you two are news baby, front page."

At that I stop and say "Please don't."

Bella nods agreeing almost desperately as she says "No were not."

I then add "I'm really not trying to have all that attention and I'm sure Bella feels the same."

Thomas Cullen x Reader (STILL BEING WRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now