the prologue

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It certainly feels like a dream. Without knowing when or where or how, she is suddenly there. But she does know why — that is, her purpose to be there. To be here.

She looks on to her companions; there is a primal rigidity to their movements, including her own. She is sure she knows each of them, but she can't recall how — as if she had met them in a dream. Or, is she in a dream now? Still, she introduces herself:

"I'm Isis."

"Druig," he says. Where does she know him from?

They meet in front of the monument of Arishem; the red glow of His figure reflects on their faces. She traces that glow from Druig's eyes to the red details in his shirt, and he has an intense curiosity as they look to each other. They hear Sersi say:

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

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