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"Remember Ajak's instructions. We try to be diplomatic first. If that fails, then you can use your power."

They stroll through the outskirts of a magnificent civilization built on a river in the desert.

"If you ask me, we would have eliminated the Deviants centuries ago if you all would just let me use my powers a little more often," he says, and she simply rolls her eyes at him. "But for your sake, I will follow Ajak's plan. Promise." He smiles down at her, and she can't help but smile back.

Two soldiers approach with spears hesitantly pointed at the pair of Eternals in their ethereal clothing. Isis, less practiced in the language of this new place, turns to Druig to exchange dialogue. He approaches the soldiers with his all-too-familiar and unthreatening composure: hands held firmly before his waist.

"We would like to speak to your leader, please. Will you take us there?" He nods his head toward the citadel standing at the center of the city.

The soldiers exchange a glance and shuffle nervously on their feet, spears still pointed at Druig. After a moment of consideration, Druig glances down at their weapons and says, "You won't be needing those."

The soldiers' eyes glow in gold, and their weapons clatter to the ground. They begin walking away and gesture for Druig and Isis to follow.

"What happened to 'I will follow Ajak's plan'?" she elbows his side.

"I tried, didn't I?" he elbows her back with a laugh. "If Ajak wanted to be purely diplomatic, then she shouldn't have sent me." Still, he offers his arm to Isis and she gladly takes it as the soldiers lead them through the city.

She gets this dreamy look on her face as they make their way. In all the new places that they go, she likes to imagine what it would be like to have a life there if she were human. Lately, too, she likes to imagine Druig there with her in these daydreams.

Although he never knows what about, Druig can tell when she dreams. Her eyes wander and something in them expands, as if a new universe is born inside of them. The other Eternals sometimes shake their heads, whether it's at her wanting to experience human-ness or at her imagining a new home when she has a perfectly good home on Olympia (except what do any of them even remember about Olympia at this point?). Druig, on the other hand, never minds her chronic daydreaming; he admires it, even. Her ability to escape to imaginary lives so novel and so extraordinary, no matter how distant, gives him a comforting feeling of hope somehow.

At any rate, they journey on, and the city appears more and more beautiful the further they go. Eventually, they reach the King's room where they are met with an inevitable hostility. Before a word can even be exchanged, a spear flies across the room — however, it is met with a shield conjured at Isis' hand before falling harmlessly to the ground. Druig proceeds to disarm every other solider in his sight. A silence washes over the room as the humans quickly realize that they are in the presence of gods.

Politely, Druig explains the reason for their unexpected visit. It's simple, really: a herd of Deviants of unspeakable numbers have caught scent of this great civilization. By Phastos' calculation, the Deviants will arrive on the river in three day's time.

To Isis, the King appears receptive yet not cooperative. Druig nods in understanding before turning to Isis to translate: "It appears that word of a war between unholy beasts and godly warriors have traveled to this place. Even so, the King says that he cannot clear the river of his people. It appears most of their livelihood is stored on the riverbank. All of their food, supplies, and the like."

Isis nods slowly. "I think that I can resolve that. Allow me to demonstrate."

With one hand, she picks a loose brick out of the floor. With her other hand, she casts a shield of protection over a delicate vase, there for decoration. She hands the brick to Druig — "Will you?" she asks of him. She observes the King on his throne as Druig without hesitation pitches the brick to his target. The cosmic shield ripples on impact, shattering the brick to pieces.

somewhere in time {Druig}Where stories live. Discover now