CHAPTER 6: A Revenge

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The door to the Blake house was knocked while Jessica cooked. She had a bad feeling, but she decided to go to the door anyway. She opened the door to find Margaret, her makeup smeared as tears streamed down her face like little rivers.

"Margaret. Are you okay? What happened to you?"

"It's... it's Ben, Jessica. He..." The woman stopped when she felt the full weight of the pain on her shoulders, unable to finish her sentence, she began to cry in Jessica's arms, who without knowing what she was feeling. happened, you could get an idea.

"What happened to him, Margaret?"

"He... killed himself." The devastated mother burst into tears again, as the mothers hugged each other, Jeff walked downstairs.

"Mom, aunt... what happened?"

The news devastated Jeff. It blanked him out, almost as if he couldn't comprehend what he had just heard. He felt sad, yes, but mostly guilty. After all, He was the one who accused him of being insane, and who left him alone. The thought that maybe he could have done something else kept him from sleeping, while lying in his bed he felt almost as if the earth was going to swallow him at any moment. But he just stayed there, lying down, doing nothing. Until someone opened the door.

"Liu... What are you doing here...?"

The boy didn't say anything, looking at Jeff with his characteristic cold gaze before closing the door behind him and sitting down next to his brother, still not saying a word.

"...I know how it feels to lose the people you love. I'm sorry."

"And how did you get over it?"

" don't. That pain, that...that noise. It stays in your head forever. And you just...have to learn to live with it."

"I feel like I failed him... I could have done more for him."

"But, you didn't. Those mistakes, those failures... those are things you don't forget. You have to learn to forgive yourself for what you did. Not now... but, when the time comes, you can forgive yourself."

"And what if you never forgive yourself?"

"...then you'll end up just like me. When that gang caught me, I was with a friend. I called her 'Fangs' because, she had this weird thing... she liked to bite people, I guess that was her way of show affection. They kept us together in a cage, just like animals... with almost no food, no water. But we got through it together." Liu's face turned from nostalgic to serious, almost wistful. "They wanted to prostitute her, I told her that as soon as she had the chance, she should run away, call the police and then they would find me. That was the last time I saw her alive. She tried to escape, and all she got was nineteen stabs in the chest. I never forgave myself for that...she was like a sister to me."

"Im sorry... I didn't know."

"Yeah... I told mom not to tell anyone. The point is... don't end up like me, don't let the pain get the best of you. Because if you do... you'll never be able to move on."

"Thank you, little man."

Liu scoffed. "You're not so stupid after all."


"Hey, are we going to eat something? I need to refuel after that talk."

"Yeah... yeah. I would like to."

The brothers went down the stairs, happy. Jeff felt some peace, although he still felt that horrible emptiness in his heart.

"Want a coffee?" Jeff said as he prepared his favorite drink, as always, adding extra sugar.

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