Unanswered Warmth

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"How is my daughter?" He asked. The lines on his face were barely visible, and stoic eyes eclipsed his smile.

There was a silence, a long pause before I smiled just a little. He knew, just in specks of the events. It was alright; I could not escape the inevitable. I had to be just a little strong to face all this, a knot created by my mind, a thing only I could resolve.

No words were articulated by either of our lips, and there was a void that we weren't able to fill. I understand the loss, understand how baffled he was; it is not always that you see a failure from an overachieving family. It was alright, perhaps- I hardly know anything anymore. Maybe I should have taken those meds. Could they have made me less reluctant to sit there anymore? Yet again, I don't know.

"Uncomfortable?" I asked. Trying to fathom his response, I waited. He was indeed uncomfortable- his silence was confirmation of that. I didn't probe further and stretched the arcs of my lips. Now, it was me who was walking along his side on this stroll of discomfort.

"Disappointed?" Yet no answer. It was painful, wouldn't lie on this. Like a thorn, it pierced me but wasn't my actions responsible too?

He raised his hand to caress my hair but I evaded. His warmth was unanswered. Do I regret to show my weakness? Definitely. Yet I would forgive myself, for at that moment, the waves of my mind- were too high to acknowledge a small boat of thought.

This was the event a month prior, my thoughts before all this and now, after contemplating a lot- I am guilty of not answering warmth as pious as that. I am guilty of several such mistakes and I am sorry for all those things and hope that my apology reaches them.

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