charter 10- Lustful needs

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⚠️Warning ⚠️
This charter will contain sex and sexual language if you're find with that then continue reading.














No one pov

Takemichi pin down to the floor and being kiss and sucked on every inch of his body, chifuyn was kissing takemichi lips, Baji and Draken were kissing his thighs, the twins kiss his nipples and mitsuya was sucking his dick.

Takemichi was moaning uncomfortable until Mikey take off his pants and took takemichi chin, "takemichi suck this" Mikey said, takemichi started sucking and sucking, moving his head up and down.

"AaaH~ mhmm~" Takemichi muffin moan as his body felt undescribable pleasure, but he wants more, no, he needs more.

All of them started taking off they're clothes as takemichi pans for more, takemichi couldn't take it anymore and jumped on top of Mikey and started to place Mikey big dick  in his hole.

"Wait! Takemichi you can't-" "aAAH~" takemichi moaned out then started bouncing up and down on Mikey cock, the other looked at Mikey jealous that he got him first so they all start suck on takemichi cheat, back, and thigh.

"Mikey~, I loVe YOu please..don't" takemichi said and started to cry, Mikey strat kiss Takemichi Chech and lip, "don't worry Michi, I'll kill anyone that come between us!"(kiss) Mikey said

Then Mikey started going faster and faster and Mikey finally come. "MoRe, I want More Please~" takemichi begin, "well since you ask so nicely" Draken said picking up takemichi on putting him on his dick.

"I LoVe yOU, DrAkEN!" Takemichi yelled as Draken push him down on his dick,"I love you too Michi" Draken said before kissing takemichi, mitsuya got jealous and pulled takemichi face to him

"Mitsuya~"takemichi moaned out before mitsuya push his tongue into Michi mouth making takemichi moaned.

"Draken! Hurry up I want a turn with takemichy!!!" Baji whined, "no I'm next freebie", "no I am!"

Soon the boys started fighting and didn't notice that Draken was done and smiley and angry took takemichi.

"michi~ are you ready?" Smiley said putting in and out the tip of him dick teasing takemichi, "y-Yes please~" takemichi moan.

Then Smiley started pouring in and out of him as angry put his dick in takemichi mouth.

Then after a while they were done,but takemichi still wanted more,but the boys were still fighting until ran and rindo took takemichi and Goten an idea, "takemichi do you really want more~?"ran asked "Yes! more then anything~" "as you wish"

Ran stick his dick into takemichi and rinbo made takemichi sucked his dick, "Ah~ takemichi I never thought you'll be this good, but I hope you can take more~" ran said and then flipping them to face ran on his back as rinbo got ready.

"W-what..are..ah you-" takemichi was cut off by rinbo sticking his dick into takemichi hole, takemichi moaned out in pain and pleasure and after a couple minutes they start moving.

"AaaH~....ran~..rinbo~,mhm~" takemichi moan out, ran started kissing takemichi as rinbo put hickeys on takemichi neck and back.

The hole night when on like that until takemichi pass out and they all when to sleep.

But they all forgot one thing..... They didn't use condoms.


























The morning

Takemichi POV

I woke up and when to the bathroom to take a nice long shower, until I felt something leaking from my legs I look down to see SO MUCH COM.

*Fuuuuuuuuuck my sister's are going to kill them* I thought, I took a quick shower and got all of they're clothes to wash and kissed they're check.

I went to the kitchen and luckily found an apron to put on, then I started cooking breakfast for them, but I accidentally woke up chifuyn, "what the hell- where are my-" 

Chifuyn stopped just looked at me and walked towards me and hugged my waist from behind and said "if I'm in a dream, please don't ever wake me up"

I padded his head and kisses him, and told him to go sit down to eat, and soon I went to go wake up the other, "guys you have wake up please!" I yelled.

I started shaking Baji to wake up, but he pulled me down and hugged me tight, "5 move minutes", Baji said. I tried shake him off but I accidentally pulled his Dick, "WhAt the hell WHO'S-"

Baji yelled waking up everyone until he realized it was me, "Baji I'm-" I was about to apologize but he started kissing me and put my hand on his dick.

I wanted to go fared again but I think the other will kill him if he did, so I told him later, he blushed, the other pissed and we all when to eat.

Soon our clothes were wash and we all when home, I walked inside the house,but smelled a a strength of Roma so I followed the sent and it come from my sister rose room.

(UwU  the face takemichi make)

*Will, at least they can't be that mad* I thought before walking in, but was surprise as not only rose and the girl she went out with was in her bed,but so was Bella and jasmine!?

I was about to walk out until I accidentally push something over and woke them up, "AH- what- who's here...Uuun.. hi Michi" jasmine said

"WHAT- AH takemichi!?" Bella said.

"What are you guys- AHHH takemichi!?!" Rose said

They stared at me for a few minutes until jasmine said, "Um So how was your night..?"I looked at her and smirked and said, "you know it was good, just like your. Anyway I'm going to my room bye~"

"WAIT!!" They scared, but I was already gone....


Hey guys I hope you like the charter,
And will try to update soon, but for now bye~

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