The clumsiest worldbuilding ever

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AN: I think I am trying to hide that this is Omega and Shadow talking so just to be clear, this story is from Shadow's POV... I think.

My room in the ship was getting stuffy, I wanted to go down to the living area and go and be around other people (not talking to them of course but just being around them), but I had to do this one thing first. My fingers clattered on the keys, the words appeared on the screen. I enjoyed these strange feelings whenever I used it, with the last of the letters in place... I pushed the enter key... and watched my work. The keyboard and computer monitor have long since been superseded, but I found them useful for the things I was doing......

The door clicked behind me. I walked down the long, winding corridor of sleeping quarters; all empty. I came to a stop at one of the doors. Suddenly from below came a green light. I pressed my eye against the floor for a few seconds. The doors groaned as the gears turned and creaked.

The inside of the living room was not as crowded as it usually was; I liked it that way. There was a smell that had the aroma of burned oil. There was a sound of mini circuits whirring and cranking. The ground shook as another 200 litres of fuel was inserted into the exhausted engines, that had been blasting away for 20 months non-stop.

I made my way to one of the lesser comfortable chairs and looked out of the window, black. I sighed; black was all we saw when we were travelling at this speed. There was another creaking sound. I looked towards the door, nothing. Then where was this sound coming from?


My eyes darted to see.... Something stood before me. A huge creaking body, black legs, giant hands, this was one of the huge androids I was looking at but then I saw the Ω on his shoulder.... Could it be?, I thought. There was a creaking of great effort as he lifted up his arm; bent the elbow joint then extended it again. He was offering to shake my hand, but when I stayed where I was he repositioned his arm by his side

"I am.... E-123 Omega....... Pleased to meet you"

E-123 Omega? I had heard stories of him. What was he doing here???. The questions fired around my head like angry hornets in an enclosed space. But, I thought, he could help me with my problem.

Omega spun his torso 90 degrees to the right, followed by his lower body, a deafening sound as he stomped to the window that I had only moments ago sighed at.

My thoughts were all over the place, how had Omega gotten on this clumsy spacecraft. But then, if I hadn't locked myself away for these past few months... I would know. I decided to take up the courage to ask him why he was here.

" .....a..... long..... story"

I had not even asked him yet. It was like he had scanned my very thoughts.


Now this was getting strange I pulled up a chair and sat down behind him


I wondered why he didn't finish his sentence but my thoughts were interrupted


The alpha group. They were a group of cruel and heartless beings that wanted the world's population to leave earth and go elsewhere so that Alpha could. In effect. Rule the world. On their "quest" they had caused many deaths and more destruction than all of the natural disasters up to that point.

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