Shadow dies a lot and goes super only to become normal

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AN: You can tell i've been playing a lot of Sonic Adventure 1. From what I remember while I was writing these i had Gamma's theme playing on loop in the background. I think the Sergent here is supposed to be the GUN Commander? I'm not really sure. It seems like im enjoying this little fantasy regardless of how little sense it makes.

I returned to my room, having heard the story of the great Omega, but something was different as I entered my room, the usually green glow of the letters on the screen had turned red and was flashing brightly. I went to look at this strange phenomenon on my screen, what was printed on the urgent notice, alarmed me so much that I dashed out of my room and took a sharp right.

I was running at full speed towards the engine rooms. Thinking all the time about how I was going to bypass the firewall protecting the doors; when suddenly I heard the whirring of mini jet engines. I raced to a wall and made myself as flat as possible. The whirring stopped. A clunking sound. I realized that I had heard that clunk only a few hours ago. It was Omega, I creped out of my hiding place and turned to face him, his usually red eyes were flashing in all different colors.

He stopped walking and stared at me with his almost hypnotic eyes when suddenly he spurted out


The moment he stopped speaking, I quickly jolted around to see what had disturbed Omega.

"Omega???" I asked "what........"

I was interrupted by a huge crashing sound as a type 67 missile hit the side of the ship, ripping through the wall and exposing the vastness of space.


Whirring sounds as the huge metal doors were lowered on both ends of this part of the corridor to isolate the problem. But I hardly noticed this as I was suddenly flying out into the vacuum of black that we had been zipping through only a few minutes before. I was spinning and spinning, faster and faster, I couldn't breathe, I was burned and frozen at the same time as I shot through space.

Omega had detected the missiles impact a few moments earlier and was heading to try and stop the damage when I appeared and distracted him with my problem, but when I was sucked out of the ship; Omega had three problems to deal with.

I couldn't hold on to life much longer, I was going to die, there was so much I had to do with my life, my eyes became heavy, I saw a red glow, a circle around me, I could breathe again!! But it was too late. I slipped out of consciousness.

Omega had been charging his rockets as soon as I was jettisoned, he was about to face the dark tunnel of space when a sound of scraping metal disturbed him, all of a sudden, five dreadnaught class battle suits appeared out of nowhere. As he was unable to come to my rescue, he fired a life shield at my body and prepared to face his attackers.

The leader of this mission had gone through the plan several times in his head before the missile was launched. The thought acting out the plan though made his adrenalin pump around his body, making him shake with aggression. The various sensors on his body picked up the movements, and all of a sudden his battle suit became a mess of jittering equipment. He forced himself to calm down for fear of falling of the small pelican transport ship that was carrying all of the supplies for the mission, as sergeant he was charged with the launch of the missile that would so nearly end my life. He stumbled across, the gears on his suit clunking and whirring as he made his way to where the weapon was stored, it took two seconds for the missile to do its work... now it was his time.

An Incoherent Sonic FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz